Wealth of birdlife discovered on site of former Lincolnshire theme park

SUMMER bird surveys of the former Pleasure Island theme park in Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire,  have revealed 58 species - either on the site or within 50 metres.

However, many of the birds - and almost 350 trees - are under threat because the site has been earmarked for redevelopment to include a Lidll supermarket, a drive-thru Costa, two hotels, a casino and up to 272 holiday lodges.

The research was conducted in 2019, 2020 and 2022 by a Hebden Bridge-based consultancy, OS Ecology.

It contains some surprises.

For instance, who would have thought nuthatches breed there - or that it provided a temporary roosting habitat for great white egret?

In alphabetical order, the species list is as follows:

* Barnacle Goose - a regular flock is present on amenity grassland to the south of the site

* Blackbird - breeding on site

* Black-headed Gull - recorded on site (non-breeding)

* Blue Tit - breeding on site

* Bullfinch - breeding on site

* Buzzard - overflying

* Carrion Crow - breeding on site

* Chaffinch - breeding on site

* Cetti’s Warbler - a single bird recorded singing within scrub by the Buck Beck

* Chiffchaff - breeding on site

* Common Gull - overflying

* Coot - probable breeding species on lake

* Cormorant - overflying

* Cuckoo - single record of female in July (non-breeding)

* Curlew - recorded on saltmarsh and single bird on southern section of the site

* Goldcrest - breeding on site

* Goldfinch - breeding on site

* Great Spotted Woodpecker - overflying

* Great Tit - breeding on site

* Great White Egret - overflying September 2019 and roosting on site August 2022

* Grey Heron - regularly recorded on lake (non-breeding)

* Grey Lag Goose - part of a regular flock is present on amenity grassland to the south of the site

* Herring Gull - overflying

* House Martin - overflying

* House Sparrow - breeding on site

* Jackdaw - breeding on site

* Kestrel - overflying

* Kingfisher - recorded on pond September 2020 (non-breeding)

* Lesser Whitethroat - likely breeding on site

* Linnet - breeding on site

* Little Egret - regularly recorded on pond and Buck Beck (non-breeding)

* Little Grebe - likely breeding on site

* Magpie - breeding on site

* Mallard - likely breeding on site

* Meadow Pipit - recorded on adjacent saltmarsh

* Moorhen - breeding on site

* Mute Swan - breeding on site

* Nuthatch - breeding on site

* Oystercatcher - recorded on grass to the south (non-breeding)

* Pheasant - likely breeding on site

* Redshank - recorded on the Buck Beck and saltmarsh (non-breeding)

* Reed Bunting - recorded on adjacent saltmarsh

* Reed Warbler - breeding on site

* Robin - breeding on site

* Sedge Warbler - breeding on site

* Skylark - recorded on adjacent saltmarsh

* Song Thrush - breeding on site

* Sparrowhawk - overflying

* Starling - breeding on site

* Swallow - breeding on site

* Swift - overflying

* Twite - recorded on adjacent saltmarsh

* Whitethroat - breeding on site

* Wigeon - recorded on Buck Beck (October 2019)

* Willow Warbler - breeding on site

* Woodpigeon - breeding on site

* Wren - breeding on site

* Yellowhammer - recorded on adjacent saltmarsh

The planning application for redevelopment is likely to be determined by North East Lincolnshire Council later this spring.