Sunrises and Sunsets 2023: Share your photos here....

First, Happy New Year to you all, and what better way to kickstart the Sunrises and Sunset thread for 2023 with a sunrise on New Years Day!

Last years thread provided lots of interesting and colourful photos, and it's time to kickstart the thread for 2023. The link to last years thread: "Sunrises and Sunsets 2022: share your photos here" if you're interested in looking back.

The photos don't all have to be of the sun rising or setting, they can be dusk, reflections from the sun in the colours that are often cast on objects.

You can still post any sunrise  or sunset photos from 2022 to the old thread, and it will be nice to see your photos for 2023 here.

My very first photo for 2023, and as the sun rose above Hay Wood

Baddesley Clinton looking as always, splendid with the colours of the rising sun

My favourite five bar gate also catching the colours of the rising sun.

  • Near Daniels Brook, Gloucestershire 16:00 pm 


  • Sunset at the Haugh today

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I have been very busy today and somehow I managed to hurt my foot I didnt know if it was just from walking around  so much today or not so I was thinking of just giving it a rest for abit just in case but I really wanted to get a picture of the sunset so I went out anyway. 

    It was only a short walk but It was very orange. I saw some birds on the way but the battery was only  1 percent so I just took what I came for 

  • I took this in Hucclecote yesterday when trying to hide from the birds and look for insects 

    And looking for insects can be difficult if there is a bird abouve you while your looking for insects if you are also bird watching. After being stuck under a tree with a bird literally calling from the branches just abouve my head I walked behind some low shrubs and saw the sun go down into the whole of the tree and set

    Its like a clock bang on 4 it went into the centre of the tree just need shadows under the tree and then you have a sundial made by nature itself. 

  • To be honest its usually quiet easy to bird watch and look for insects at the same time but it can be difficult if you don’t pick the best place to do both since they can turn up anywhere and can suddenly appear in a place that might not allways be convenient sometimes. Like perched right abouve your head and singing it’s heart out at the same time for instance. That has happened to me a couple of times. But yesterday it was quiet difficult Cause  I made that mistake After that one bird all the trees lit up with bird song and bird activity and I had to stay put until it was over cause there wasn’t much places to hide and I didn’t want to scare them off. Let’s just say I’m glad it’s not Autumn cause the tree I was under was a pine tree and big pine cones fall in the ground often if it was Autumn I would of got got by a pine cone

     The tree Isn’t far from the shrubbery I went behind but opposite the shrubbery is a Silver Birch tree just like in Hucclecote. When Iv stayed in Hucclecote for nights I have kept track of the position of the sun. I found out about a technique where you can use a stick and put it where the sun will shine all day and it should cast a shadow and tell you the time the way a sundial does so I though I’d try the method and see if it works for myself then in  Kingsway  I made myself a Sundial out of paper and cardboard and put it where the sun would shine most of the day and see how effective it is.  After that I decided to see where the sun is at what time during the day and write down and keep track of it on sunny days and any changes in the time that happens throughout the seasons like spring summer Autumn and winter and tryed that out in Hucclecote when staying for the nights I got to know where and what time  the sun rises and  sets  

    But since I happened to be birdwatching and insect watching and the sun sets earlyer than spring and summer I decided to take photo of the sun when it sets while I’m at it. if you time birdwatching and insect watching it some time before sunset you can also fit the sunset in. 

    found the tree opposite does look abit like a sun dial I think depending on how you look at it the tree is hand and the branches and the  sun is the clock and since the birds declared sun down one of the birds to announce the hour of sunset could be Robin or Blackbird to make up for the cuckoo that is rarely heard in the UK. 

  • Being bonked on the head by a big pine cone with a bird abouve your head just before sun down isn’t a good combination. And you would need to make sure you don’t miss any of the sunset cause of being bonked on the head aswell. at least i got the time of year right.  the pine cones have stopped falling from the tree 

  • I’m poorly at the moment but Im taking antibiotics to get what’s makeing me feel poorly out of my body it might take a couple of days But could be abit longer and so have to keep taking them it’s hard to predict at this point how long it will take and weather it will come back again so I’m having to stay inside. cause of that there might not be sun rise or sunset photos from outside but mainly inside until Im better and weather I get one just before the sun sets or rises or while it’s riseing depends on how I feel not just the other factors that come into play like if it’s cloudy or not so I hope you don’t mind that some photos might be just before it rises or sets rather than during like this one here I took this morning 

  • I’m still on antibiotics and still feel very under the weather but they are doing there job and I feel abit better than I did on Thursday so I have taken a photo of the sun just before it goes down behind the roof where I can’t see it out my window 

    I thought the reflection of the sun itself behind the bright orange light comeing from it was cooll