Post your Christmas cards here 2022

Normally Hazy starts the Christmas thread off, however, it seems she hasn't posted for a short while. So I hope both well Hazel and Mike are well.

Last years thread; Post your Christmas cards here, for those who want to have a look back is HERE.

Hopefully, not to tread on toes by kickstarting this years thread, here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas

The above was a photo of a Christmas display at Baddesley Clinton, a local National Trust, back in December 2018.

Have a good one folks, and keep photographing nature and posting.those photos and reports.

  • Linda, nice to see the fox appearing in your Christmas card

  • I'm sure Billy (lovely photo) will be more than good company, even if just for the chance of some food....

  • Unknown said:

    Michael B said:
    Normally Hazy starts the Christmas thread off, however, it seems she hasn't posted for a short while. So I hope both well Hazel and Mike are well.

    Firstly, I just wanted to bob in to wish my long time friends and posters on here a very happy Christmas and hope the new year is a good one for you all.      Thanks for doing this years thread Mike;  I haven't been on the forum for a while as didn't like the way it was being taken over by recent rantings and ravings and what appears to be wild aspersions without proof of fact or naming the person who is supposedly stalking them;   it saddens me to see this once lovely forum which should be dedicated to wildlife and not personal unsubstantiated grievances being constantly aired and negative posts being bumped back up by two as if in private chat room.     Anyway, I could not let the year end without wishing my old time buddies all the best for the festive season and let's hope 2023 will be better in every way.       For now I'm taking a break until things settle down here but will leave you with a recent photo I took of a Tawny Owl in our local area who you have to imagine is wearing a Santa hat.    !!!     Take care dear friends - until we meet again !  Hazy XX

    Lovely photo Hazel

    I had noticed, and I too have had to take a break (see; Peak Rambler: Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible), but due to my leg, which you may recall back in the summer it burst. Sitting for any period was extremely uncomfortable, however, in good news, albeit very slow (giant oil tankers move faster even without engines running Rolling eyes), things are finally taking a turn for the better.

    My poor GP nurse has had a baptism of fire, but she's worked hard and done her research, to which I take my hat off to.

    I am slowly getting more mobile, and have been out, and almost two weeks back, managed half a day at Conwy, [RSPB Conwy Saturday 11th December], thwarted mainly by the weather, but it was a good day.

    I hope you and Mike are both well and wish you both a Merry Christmas, and we'll get that trip to Burton Meer some day, soon I hope.

  • Thank you Mike, he is very good company, he just likes companionship ... and food!  All the very best to you and yours. I hope your mobility continue to improve in the new year. Just take it nice and steady.

  • Billysdad said:

    Thank you Mike, he is very good company, he just likes companionship ... and food!  All the very best to you and yours. I hope your mobility continue to improve in the new year. Just take it nice and steady.

    You're welcome.

    Before I met my wife, I had gone through a bit of a messy break up, and my dogs, both border collies, were great companions, by my side every step of the way, as I've no doubt Billy is with you.

  • Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas, enjoy your time with whoever you are going to be with and wherever you are going to be.

    Eat, drink and have lots of fun. CL x

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Now that's a Dog :)

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • re; I do not think we have met Tony - so hello

    I don't think I've met anyone on here yet-

    I've known Aiki for years and birded with Howard and met Pipit at the BBF years ago

    S :)

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box