Peak Rambler: Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

First, I hope everyone is well.

My apologies for not being around, things have got a little, well, 'interesting' many ways, and will continue to be that way for a little longer.

In other, good news, it looks like things might just be on the turn for the better, but it’s too early to be certain as yet, I’ve been there before, and things have taken an about turn for the worse before, but these are the most positive signs to date.

My apologies to those I may have outstanding replies or acknowledgments, I will endeavour to catch up as soon as I can. If I miss any, please do not hesitate to give me a nudge.

Many of the older forum mates will recall the above tv message, one of many that used to appear on TV screens in years gone by.

In the interim, stay safe, I will be back.

  • Fingers very firmly crossed for positive progress and that you will be able to get out and about soonish

    Cin J

  • Ok. Thats good things look like they might be on the turn for the better even though it’s too early for you to be sure yet. But Welcome back again Mike.

  • Good to hear from you Mike. I did think the other day that you hadn't been online and hoped you was not having health issues. Hope your positive signs come to fruition. Good luck.

    PS I think the television message was more interesting than most of the rubbish that is on TV nowadays ... Wink

  • Good to hear from you again Mike, I too wondered on your health. Glad things are promising.
    As you know... I'm far too young to remember the TV image JoyJoyJoy
    Stay safe, and take it easy
  • AKA ...

    "Do not adjust your set"

    Well, that's open to many interpretations.

    Wishing you well.
  • Lovely to hear from you again Mike...Look forward to seeing more of that new camera in action!! ;-)
    If PB is too young to remember the TV image .....well I only ever seen one in a museum lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Good to hear from you again Mike. Hope things are more positive and thatyou are doing okay. Will read your updates in due course, take care.

    Linda only remembers the TV in a museum, Mmmm I am saying no more!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • It's good to see the sense of humour still prevails. ThumbsupThumbsup 

    Age is just a number, and what happens with numbers, they get manipulated, so I'm 26, and I'll let you work the rest out from there.

    The team (those wonderful nurses, consultants and the rest) are working their hardest and doing their very best.

    Billysdad said:

    PS I think the television message was more interesting than most of the rubbish that is on TV nowadays ...

    BD66, I'm more than inclined to agree, especially as the World Cup seems to have taken over, while squeezing in the other stuff.

    I like Guy Martin's take on football: “I have nothing against football. It just seems very wasteful losing two hours of my life to watch 22 [I would add: 'overpaid and overrated] millionaires on TV chasing a bag full of wind in their underwear.”

    I'm still currently at the three steps forward, and two backward stage, getting frustrated at being grounded, though I was a little naughty at the weekend and gave the camera some long overdue exercise, and did a bit more than I should have. Thankfully, the nurse is very understanding, and didn't tell me off, though Mrs PR made sure she got her twopenuth in....

    Well, I needed some proper outdoor therapy and my camera needed the overdue exercise, so it had to be done. There is a plus, it wouldn't have been possible a week or more back, so things are going the right way, albeit slowly.

    In other good news, the garden has seen fieldfares and a first timer to be observed, redwings. The redwings may have been around previous years, but not spotted, or it might be a first time, particularly as they've never been caught on the trailcams, which they have this year.

    My thoughts, it was only two days they've been seen, likewise with the fieldfares as in previous years, so most likely a stop off before continuing their journey.

    This next photo, look carefully, towards the centre, and you will just see a redwing head above the leaves.....

    Stay safe folks, and hopefully I'll not be away quite so long before the next posting.

  • Thats good news. And with the other good news I think it’s lucky you managed to capture the fieldfares. and even if it was the trail cam  I think the photos of the Redwing are good. with going out It’s good that you managed to get out with your camara and its good to see you back again

  • Well we certainly don't want any dust settling on that new camera Mike was well worth picking it up for the Redwing....Looking forward to having you back soon ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)