Some thoughts on covid 19 restrictions

ASs some regulars may know I sometimes have a few health problems that at times restricts my access to the countryside so many of the restrictions that we have endured, and are still enduring, do not feel strange to Chris and myself. My immune system is pretty shot up at times so I'm quite good at avoiding numbers of people, I'm maybe not as anti social as it seems, and I've never been a lover of shopping unless its books. When we were recommended to shield in our own homes we actually realised we could walk the riverside fields with permission from the owners and had little chance of meeting anyone so we felt quite happy there. When restrictions eased we have four small nature reserves within a couple of miles of home with plenty of space to avoid close contact but still both watch birds and talk about birds with others doing the same, quite a little anti social bird club we are. There has been good birds aplenty and as winter has drawn closer the wintering Thrushes arrived we have been doing counts on them. One of our local reserves has got a wonderful Starling murmuration,60,000 birds at least, which we managed to social distance the grandsons to. We have found by visiting the busiest of the reserves late afternoon most birders have gone home and we enjoy the spectacle of birds going to roost. We do miss visiting our local moorland but they are outside the 3 mile radius we put on ourselves, they will still be there when all this is over and we settle down to our new normal. Because I am in that at risk category we seem to be swimming in hand sanitiser but Chris keeps an eye on what I get up to. I just hope other folk are coping as well as us and getting the support we have been getting, take care out there we will beat this lot somehow.


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Glad you got that sorted out Hazel, apart from anything else it should put Limpy up the vaccination list. aWe have been inundated with offers of assistance with me being on the register right from day 1 of the pandemic. Offers pof help from local and county council and Chris could use the special time for shopping if she wanted. We have never taken advantage of it so far but for us in our area the offer is there. I think the vitamin issue is due in the few weeks.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:
    Did the doctor promise to send an actual letter?

    Not on the vulnerability issue, but he's now in the clinically highly vulnerable group and he'll get a letter inviting him to be vaccinated along with others in that group.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Wendy S said:
    I think the vitamin issue is due in the few weeks.

    You have to go on the NHS website and apply for it - the deadline for doing so is February 21st..

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I would have thought Limpy would be in a higher group than group 4, although that is still better than nothing. Hope the vaccine invitation comes soon (for both of you!).

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Well done for persisting with your GP, Clare, to get Limpy on the at risk group. Hope it won't be too long before he is called.
    I bought my own vitamin D tablets. They're pretty cheap.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I got Vit D3 from local Chemist 99p for 60 but they soon sold out & couldn't get new supplies ... same tablets available from Amazon ... over £4.00!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I imagine I'm not the only person here who won't shop with Amazon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well done Clare for getting Limpy's need for a vaccine sorted;  some folk who are clinically vulnerable seem to be slipping through the net but glad you got it sorted with all that effort.      The roll out now seems to be speeding up in our area so hoping to have my turn in February, fingers crossed.

    @ Wendy,  I managed to get our Vit.D. supplement from Boots Chemist but think you did better on price - no wonder they sold out  !       Meanwhile it looks like we all have to sit tight a while longer but I'd rather keep in a lockdown extension if it can help save more precious lives as the death toll figure we just passed is so unbelievable; bless all those families who have suffered.      


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Sadly, (apart from present company), we live in a very selfish world.

    I'm aghast at the huge number of colleagues booking holidays abroad, and then saying the govt has no right to impose quarantine restrictions on them returning back to the UK!

    I'd happily praise any country that imposes quarantine restrictions on visitors coming in to their country, because Covid thrives on the selfish attitudes many folk have.

    On another note, after all the proposed actions from various EU states, I take my hat off to Michael Barnier and his stance to try and maintain unity between the UK and the EU regarding the vaccine issue.

  • Michael B said:
    I'm aghast at the huge number of colleagues booking holidays abroad, and then saying the govt has no right to impose quarantine restrictions on them returning back to the UK!

    I agree Mike,    I can't believe people are even looking at holidays abroad or anywhere at the moment and who are constantly grumbling and blaming the government for imposing restrictions as if this disease was temporary or insignificant - after almost 12 years our trip to Australia to see my brother and family is long overdue but we accept that this can't happen for the foreseeable or even a short trip to Leighton Moss at the moment.     It is as if some forget we are in a very very serious pandemic where careless actions cost lives and only think of themselves and what they feel they are missing out on.  We couldn't justify going r ecently (and completely understandably) to my sister in law's funeral which would have been a 4 hour drive each way so meant staying overnight in an hotel (as not allowed to stay with family) but due to the risk not only for us but for wider public, we opted not to go despite the heartache of not being able to say our farewell. My neighbour has not been able to visit her 7 month pregnant daughter who has contracted Covid; there are a lot of people suffering great worries, sadness and tragedy so it really irks me when I see selfish actions or moaning 'cos a holiday has to be postponed or that cannot be booked without quarantining.   Most people who grumble have had a holiday in the last two years or less and think it is a god giving right no matter what else is going on !     We're all tired and sick to the back teeth of a year of restrictions and loss of freedom but the sooner people comply the sooner we can get out of this mess..... but a few of them can't see the bigger picture sadly.        I understand people need something in the future to look forward to with all the doom and gloom surrounding us but they need to keep it realistically and safely possible.    


    Regards, Hazel