Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!
You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...
Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)
Collared Flycatcher
and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/
Whoops! Foot in mouth job!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Guru Spuggie sleeps in the ‘hyperspace’ position as his loyal servant contemplates his awakening.!!
My bird photos HERE
Swallow-ed its head lol
Regards, Hazel
Exit stage right
Was really pleased with the reed photo… not sure about the ghost behind tho
Caroline in Jersey
Cin J
LOL, birds are always getting in the way to spoil a perfect picture
My Flickr Photostream
Yoo hoo...
Best Wishes, Rosy
Mr Mallard shortly after his "shenanigans" that will teach him to get up to mischief, looks as if he's ready to collapse in a heap lol
There was a featherweight prize fight going on yesterday - still can't work out who won
Saw the Mallard through sun drenched screen, just ..... had I known this was there might have got it in focus!!!
A Halfmar.... (which is not quite a Fulmar).!!