Bad pics of fab wildlife :)

Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

Collared Flycatcher



and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

  • Unknown said:

    A Galapagos Hawk photographed, funnily enough, in the Galapagos. Would have looked great if it hadn't of looked to the left as I pressed the shutter:

    Could be used as a caption competition :)

    Cheers, Graham


    I'm Sure my head's around here somewhere - I had it yesterday

    a nearly wonderful shot Graham

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 30/11/2010 22:37 in reply to JudiM

    Director of the film Sleepy Hollow

    "I said a wanted a headless HORSE man"

    Pip x

  • No idea what it is.  I just know it hasn't got a tail

    I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • I have lots!!

    Well, this, I was trying to capture bh gulls flying(I was throwing them bread, you see!) The sky is clear blue, the background is nice, quite well balanced... but why is it so dark!!

    Well, here's a lightened up version....

    Now I look at it - it's ever so bright! I should really darken the blue a bit more, I got a bit carried away...


    PS. This is my 100th post!

    'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'

  • Hi Maple,

    Well, firstly, this photo shouldn't be in this thread - it should be in the 'Photos Only' thread!
    It's a cracking shot, pin sharp, with beautiful colours. The only thing spoiling it is the contrail in the background.

    The reason why the Gulls are dark is because you have captured them in silhouette against the sky. Next time, try using an external flash to light them up.....good luck!

    Best wishes, Graham

  • Hi Maple - congrats on your 100th post. I agree with Graham, its a beauty of a shot - it needs to be in the other thread, not this one! Its so difficult capturing gulls in flight, especially if you have bread in one hand LOL.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thanks for the comments! I would love to try and improve my photo skills but I don't have any decent cameras! Those were taken using my dad's compact camera with really not impressive tools!!

    Now, those are pictures of a lesser yellowlegs in my local patch(the only 'rare' bird I've seen!) I used a compact camera held against my bins, in bad weather and light.... this is the best I could manage, with my hands wobbling and shivering!And one of the less wobbly picture turns out to be of... it's back!

    'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'

  • I had hoped these were waxwings. I still have no idea and probably never will!!


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I was in Dorset last July and we were all trying to photograph a Little Egret on the train tracks when this train ran over it!

    I think it got away. Phew!


  • well this is one of the best  forums yet. it cheers me up with my pictures.

    aiki said:

    Just because there's way too much great photography on this site...!

    You know the feeling. You only got one or a few photos of it and they're not very good, but you can't bear to throw the photos away because they're all you have of that particular species. So you keep them, just until you get better ones :) We've managed to 'upgrade' some of the species below since these bad pics were taken, but not all...

    Please join in! I can't be the only one who hordes terrible wildlife photos :)

    Collared Flycatcher



    and best (worst) of all, Nightjar!

     best regards mac