Donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to hospitals, GPs, councils, midwives, etc, etc, etc

I’ve just (40 minutes ago) dropped off 500 vinyl gloves to my local (largish) GP surgery. As an amateur artist, I used these gloves when spray painting or mixing sculpting materials. They used to be dirt cheap when I bought them some 16 years ago.

I rang my surgery beforehand, told them I’d read a plea from councils, GPs, hospitals, etc for donations of protective equipment, and asked if they could use these gloves, pointing out they are not sterile.

They said YES! Anything suitable to help protect them.

What they can’t use, they can distribute to midwives, care homes, other GPs, etc, etc, etc.  I thought of driving up to the Royal Berks or Frimley hospitals, but read in the media that GPs, midwives, care homes, etc are at the bottom of the pile for PPE; hence my delivery to them.

So come on folks, root around for protective equipment for our NHS staff to use. No point waiting for the hopeless and hapless overpaid incompetents in government to get their backsides into gear.  What is needed are masks (though check they are of a suitable quality), aprons, gloves, etc, etc, etc.

I’ve also been supplying my local GP with various goodies: packets and boxes of mini egg, Celebrations, and three large Easter eggs two days ago.  They were ever so appreciative. The surgery staff are being very good and holding off eating the eggs until Easter. Next week, I will be taking some healthy snacks for them (e.g. grapes, satsumas, etc ) but will sneak in some naughty biscuits.

Perhaps the readership of this forum would consider similar donations to their local NHS establishment.

Oh, I also walked the mile or so to my GP surgery. I got my daily exercise in! Win, win.  J

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • You do not have to make scrubs, scrub bags, head bands or hats to support the NHS. They also have a great need for munchies.

    When we go grocery shopping, like today, I wander down the munchie aisle selecting munchies that are on sale - it extends your buying power. You can either take them along to your local surgery or, if your NHS trust is running a donation scheme, a central collection point. Ours happens to be Wokingham hospital; which is a large community hospital and practically deserted when I have been. They will package up the goodies and send 'care packages' to front line staff.

    They want chocolate bars, biscuits, crisps, etc. See the NHS Berkshire trust website or your own county NHS website for further information about donating. When you are clapping outside your door at 20:00 on a Thursday you know you are helping more than just clapping.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • You do not have to make scrubs, scrub bags, head bands or hats to support the NHS. They also have a great need for munchies.

    When we go grocery shopping, like today, I wander down the munchie aisle selecting munchies that are on sale - it extends your buying power. You can either take them along to your local surgery or, if your NHS trust is running a donation scheme, a central collection point. Ours happens to be Wokingham hospital; which is a large community hospital and practically deserted when I have been. They will package up the goodies and send 'care packages' to front line staff.

    They want chocolate bars, biscuits, crisps, etc. See the NHS Berkshire trust website or your own county NHS website for further information about donating. When you are clapping outside your door at 20:00 on a Thursday you know you are helping more than just clapping.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.