Noisy Birds and my cat!

Hello, I was just wondering if anybody has any advice. My cat recently killed a bird in our garden and since then there have been 4 or 5 black birds making the most awful noise constantly at my cat. We have a conservatory that the cat stays in because we cannot let her roam the rest of the house due to the fact she attacks my 2 year old son. So because the birds can see her, they make noise even when she is shut inside at night. The noise over the last few days has started at 4am! And I cannot wear ear plugs as I wouldn't be able to hear my son if he calls out for me. I am sleep deprived and do not know if there is anything I can do. I am sure the birds are nesting and trying to warn my cat off.

  • Hello Lisa. It could have been a blackbird that the cat got, hence the noise form the parents and others or some other bird. Blackbirds are very protective. I have a cat, as does my sister and the cats get pestered the whole time. If the cat is outside they will dive over them, fly at them if they are sitting somewhere, anything to protect and at the same time screaming away. It is a shame that the cat is shut away, but I understand why. The only thing I can suggest is to put blinds, curtains up or window covering that you can see out but the birds can't see in. A bit of work do do for a conservatory. Is there some other place that you could make a place for the cat, somewhere with a window higher up.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I really like cats....

    Thought I'd get that said before i continue...

    Another option is re-homing the savage beast so you can get some sleep..said in a jokey tone, but also to be taken as a serious suggestion....

    At present you segregate the cat - not good for puddy... - the 2 year old is going to have a fear/dislike of cats from been attacked by puddy....not good for young'un - you get no sleep, which will affect many aspects of your life, like how you are with others, how you work, how safe you are in every day tasks like driving etc. so it's detrimental to your health - not good for you....

    So if the options catlady suggested aren't do-able, cut to the chase and consider re-homing i'd say...

    hope you get some sleep soon. :)
  • Actually that was also in my thoughts at first. Not really fair for the cat to be shut in one particular place, the child being afraid of this and other cats. As a cat owner, cats are part of the family and should be treated as such, but there is a situation here. I offered other suggestions to see if anything could be resolved first. Good luck.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.