A walk with my baby

Hello everyone,

I thought I might show you a little more about the area where I live now. So the walks with my baby gave me plenty opportunity to take beautiful pictures with lots of sunshine and coloured trees. Maybe I'll add new pictures now and then, so if you like, keep your eyes open.

A few kilometres away from here, we have a beautiful reservoir, where you can make a tour by boat:

And now to our little town. We have a castle here. When I go there with the baby, I carry him on my back. Going there with the pram is not a good idea, because the footpath is very steep and there are stairs, too.

In the park of the castle there is a stage, too, where they used to play theatre :

A view towards the market. In the centre: the primary-school. To the right: the church

The Church from the outside. Inside it has a famous organ, built by Mr. Silbermann.

And now a few pictures from the outside of the castle:


Finally for today: A few pictures from our walk at the riverside:

This is it for today.

Thank you very much for looking in. Kind regards, Bente

  • Looks such an interesting place to live Bente with variety of architecture from beautiful church, magnificent castle to bridges and reservoir - must be a wonderful place to take your baby for a walk with all that fresh air and scenery.    Thanks for such an interesting post Bente, its so nice to see your local area.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hello Hazy, thank you very much for your kind words. If only the entire town were as beautiful! You won't know this, but after the reunification of eastern and western Germany, many people went away from here, and a quite big number of houses stands empty since then. And many a factory closed down since then and stands empty, too. And what happens to these buildings? Although there still exist owners, who are responsible for these buildings, the buildings are in many, many cases left to decay. It is so sad to see! Little trees are growing on roofs and from cracks in the walls, parts of the roofs are coming down, so I often look up to make sure I can use the pavement. Windows are broken or replaced by wood. Only when it is really dangerous for the public, the authorities step in and tear a building down. But apart from that, I like it here, and people are really friendly.

  • It's sad when a town with so much history and ancient buildings have been abandoned since reunification and parts have gone to ruin.   As you say Bente, people moved, factories then closed and one thing leads to another but you and your camera have managed to show a more beautiful side to the town that you like and I hope in time it can be restored again to the full bringing in more work prospects and attractions to draw people back.    I can imagine it must be difficult for you getting around with many unsafe buildings left to decay and local authorities only intervening in the most serious cases but its good to hear that the  people living in your area are friendly as that counts for so much more Bente.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • What a fabulous looking place, somewhere to put on my list of places to visit.

  • Always interesting to see somewhere new Bente, and your photos show a lovely area with interesting buildings and wow that fabulous bridge, spectacular.

    Lot to learn

  • Hello Bente, thanks for the new thread from your home town. It looks lovely, and the buildings very grand. The autumnal colours are lovely. Little Karl was loving his walk about, sound asleep.  

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • So lovely to hear from you Bente & to share your town views, so much of interest to see ... such a delightful pic of you with Karl, not long now to the first birthday celebrations!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks, Bente, for the lovely photos of where you live and especially for the lovely photo of you and little Karl.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Hello everyone, thanks again for looking in, and for all the kind words.

    Soem of you have observed how content Karl is when I carry him on my back. This is absolutely true. We haven't carried him like this from the beginning. We started that only recently, in July. We had an appointment with a counsellor for carrying babies. She showed us just a few ways to carry Karl, and she said time must show if Karl will like it, as he is not used to it. We could tell very quickly that he likes it very much. When I "put him on", I have to take him first onto my hip, on my right hand side, and then somehow showe him over to my back. Then I have to put my right arm from the back to my front, between Karl and me. This is a highly ticklish moment. Then I have to see that Karl's both arms are "free". This is not often the case. one arm ist always between Karl's body and mine, so I have to take it out there. This is also always ticklish. Karl always laughes. Then I have to tie the straps very tight. If Karl didn't like this, he would scream. But he only makes sweet little sounds. And when he is fastened securely, he keeps "talking". Often he falls asleep one time or other. I alwas notice it before. The "talking" gets less frequent, he doesn't turn his head around any more, and I can feel that he is getting "heavier" (sound stupid, I know, but I don't know how to describe it otherwise). Then I can feel Karl's entire body relaxing, and his "teeth clattering" ( sounds stupid, too, as he only has 2 teeth at the moment, and there is not much that could clatter).

    Now to my pictures from today. We didn't take a walk, as weather was not reliable. And apart from that I had to cook baby-food for lunch. I always cook a big amount that lasts for a week or so. But when I prepared the vegetables, I noticed that it was raining, although the sun was shining at th same time. So I took out my camera and watched out for a rainbow. And there was one, if only a faint one!

  • Hi Bente, that again is a lovely autumnal photo and I can see the rainbow. That sure sounds like some intricate manoeuvring that's involved into getting wee Karl safe and snug, in his carrier! He obviously loves it and it is good to get them out in the fresh air.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.