It's getting that time of year where (usually) we're blessed with brilliantly colourful sunrises and sunsets, at sensible times of the day as well!
Though I have to confess, so far this month, the weather hasn't leant that way, but here's some to start you off.
Sunset from the back garden
Sunrise on my way to work one morning
Sunrise on my way out somewhere for the day.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Really lovely shot, Nigel - with the sun peeping behind the interesting shaped tree...
Here's a photo from my brother who lives in Australia (northern New South Wales)
Sunset around 8pm
Regards, Hazel
That's a lovely photo Hazel
Sunset over the Dee estuary yesterday …
3 Marsh Harriers (1m + 2f) were displaying their skills to the admiring audience.
There had also been long-distance fly-by's from 2 Hen Harriers (1 ring-tail + 1 male), an SEO and a Kestrel, so a v. good bird of prey count.
Nige Flickr
Sunrise on the 10-12-2018 across Pine Lake as I came out of my Lodge to go to Leighton Moss.
My Pictures
My Fbook Group
Lovely silhouetted photo with the sunset as the backdrop.
Beautiful colours James.
I'm having withdrawal symptoms, just about every day has been cloudy or overcast, no sunrises or sunsets for over a month here!
Lovely photo James
Lovely photo's
Well, finally, there's been a bit of a break in the wall-to-wall cloud tonight, and I just had to rush out in the garden and capture the fast fading sunset.
For the observant among you, yes I do have a weather station in the garden.
After seeing the weather forecast tonight, it looks like another spell of wall-to-wall cloudy again....