Hi All
There is a piece in the papers today about Kingfishers, they said that in the big freeze of 1962-3 about 90% of them perished.
Waterways wants to log all sighting of these birds to see how many have survived this bad winter. So if you see one this year please contact:
I hope it is a good result.
You have no control over what life & people throw at you - but you have full control over how you deal with it!
Hi Chez
There was a item about the same issues in the local news today at lunchtime
Yes, I think it is good idea to add any species that are suffering in any way.
At least it is a good indicator what is going on.
Kathy and Dave
Unknown said: Hi All There is a piece in the papers today about Kingfishers, they said that in the big freeze of 1962-3 about 90% of them perished. Waterways wants to log all sighting of these birds to see how many have survived this bad winter. So if you see one this year please contact: www.waterscape.com/wildlifesurvey I hope it is a good result. Chez
Thanks for that link Chez. I very unexpectedly saw one last Saturday - if saw is the right word. We went back to see if the Little Egret was still around and a kingfisher flew past me at roughly speed Mach II - and no, I didn't get a photo, before anyone asks!!!!!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
I'll keep that in mind, we get some along the river, though I've never actually seen them myself!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
I saw one last Friday and two the Friday before so they seem to be doing OK here.
There is something new to learn everyday...