It's a Survey. Of house sparrows. In Hampshire.
If you're in the county at all between now and the end of June, and you happen to spot any sparrows, please count 'em and log the result here:
I don't think it's terribly technical.
You will get the chance to win an RSPB sparrow nest box if you do, so there's an incentive for you all.
We are going to the Isle of Wight in May. Does that count? We will of course be driving through Hampshire to get there.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Good try Sparrow!
I don't think the Island counts, because it's a different county council - but if you happen to spot any of your namesakes on your way down to the ferry...
Incidentally, somewhere in these forums there's a post about birds on the Island - from Seymouraves I think. Migfht be worth a look before you go.
LOL Juno, so I can't count me and hubby then?
I shall keep a look out for my namesakes, and I remember the posting about birding places on the Isle of Wight. I shall be asking questions nearer the time. Thanks.
Well, we always knew they were clever birds, but if we start getting reports of sparrows writing postcards and twiddling with the car radio, questions will be asked...