Drawing of the sea and Butterfly

A Butterfly goes and has a drink from the Rockpoolls water 

Then it flys off to find some nector 

The Butterfly found some nectar nearby 

After that it left the beach and found one of its food plants there it met another Butterfly of the same species and mated they almost got caught by a spider but they only  just escaped then they layed some eggs on the food plants and left.

Over time there eggs turned into a baby caterpillar that ate the foodplant which helps it grow there was lots of predators nearby but then one day it was ready to turn into a crysilis so it decided to find a leaf and eventually developed into a crysilis which would protect it while it transforms

one day it finally transformed into a Butterfly and opened and closed its wings to warm up. when it was ready to fly it flew over near the beach but on the way it pollinated its first Wildflower then it rested on the beach sand for abit and then left the beach but it found a field with lots of wildflowers and pollinated them just like it’s parent did. The end