My latest acrylic. Bit of a hard slog, this one. So much detail. I was getting sick of the sight of the thing towards the end. Had it not been for lockdown, I would may be have finished this sometime by the end of May. Post processing in FastStone might have made it a tad dark. It's hard to tell on my laptop.
An A3 print will, as usual, be winging its way to both the RSPB and David Shepherd Organisation. Possibly this coming week or the next. They have skeleton staff working at their respective head quarters, but I doubt they will be able to do much until lockdown is lifted.
90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.
Very nice, Angus, I can see how much detail there is in it. Full of admiration of someone can produce work like that..
Don't forget if you label it before you send it off, there's no "d" in Wigeon.
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