Birdwatching paradise in North-Eastern Poland - has anyone visited

Five years ago I was lucky enough to spend two days with a guide in the Biebrza National Park in North-Eastern Poland. It contains 75 miles of marshes and has more bird species than any others in Europe apart from Donana in Southern Spain. It's a paradise for birdwatchers in April/May/June. White-winged black terns, ruffs in full plumage, three types of eagle, montagues and marsh harriers, hoopoes, wrynecks, beecatchers, grebes, moose, wild boar, the list is endless really. Has anyone been fortunate enough to visit Biebrza?

  • Hi Neil, sounds like a wonderful place to visit and love the sound of those species;   although I lived in Poland (an hour outside Warsaw) for almost 4 years I hadn't started my hobby of birdwatching then (1992-96) so unfortunately missed out on this gem.  I travelled to a few places from Gdańsk in the North to Kraków  and Zakopane in the south and we lived in a forested area outside of Warsaw where I saw the largest Hare ever - believe they gave them a name of Król meaning King.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Hazy,

    Actually a hare is Zajac and rabbit is krolik! What a shame you weren't into watching birds when you lived near Warsaw! My wife is Polish so that's why I have managed to get to Biebrza. Her family live in Southern Poland and we visit regularly. Sadly I only had a basic small lens digital camera on that trip so no photos to upload.