Hello Folks! Yes, I know its not Monday and by now you should have had a clue.... please bear with me :) Flowers not only decorate our meadows, our woodlands, our roadsides with splashes of colour, but they also provide food and shelter for a whole host of insects. We have only to look at UK flowers to appreciate their beauty, their scent, their diversity.Each Monday for 12 weeks I will be posting a little teaser for you. Without looking in books or on the internet (i.e - no cheating), see if you can identify the UK flower. On Wednesday, so as long as no-one has guessed it, I will post one clue. On Friday I will post the answer along with some additional information for your interest.Keep a note of each species, as I will be asking which is the odd one out at the end of the quiz.MYSTERY FLOWER QUIZ#9Such a frequent annoyance may leave you with an itch.
I am joining TJ on this one and abandoning my original guess. Common Fleabane was used for the treatment of dysentery hence its latin name.
Caroline in Jersey
Cin J
with the clue frequent annoyance I thought of nettles as a weed and overgrowing in gardens etc. and leaves you with an itch when handling it.
a good laugh is better than a tonic
Answer tomorrow.
Any other thoughts?
Congratulations to all of you who guessed Common fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica). First a bit about the clues: ‘Such a frequent annoyance may leave you with an itch.’ Frequent = common, bane = annoyance, and a flea if it was to bite you it would leave you with an itch. The other clue refers to the fact that this plant was once used to treat dysentery, an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, the colon in particular.
A member of the Daisy family, Common fleabane’s are perennials whose golden yellow flowers bloom throughout July to September. These flowers are hermaphrodites (both male and female organs) and although the plant is pollinated by bees, it is also self-fertile. It was once burnt as incense to deter insects as its name suggests.
A picture of a Common fleabane can be found here.
Did you know?: Arabians refer to Common fleabane as ‘Rarajeub’, or ‘Job's Tears’.
Keep an eye out for next week’s mystery flower.
Take care,
Well done TJ, spot on again :)
Yes, I reckon TJ must be psychic :)
Thanks but that's only the second one I've got right. I had a flash of inspiration when I read the clue. It doesn't happen very often. LOL
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Great inspiration, TeeJay - well done!
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
Well done TJ