Hello Folks!Be they big or small, insects are undoubtedly highly fascinating creatures. Chances are wherever you are, whatever you're doing, an insect is not a million miles away and you might not even know it! So what better reason than to have a quiz to see how much you know about them.
Each Monday for 12 weeks, I will be posting a little teaser for you. Without looking in books or on the internet (i.e - no cheating), see if you can identify the insect. On Wednesday, so as long as no-one has guessed it, I will post one clue. On Friday I will post the answer along with some additional information for your interest.MYSTERY INSECT QUIZ#4I'm a musical WAG.
MrsT is pondering what tomorrow's clue will be even as we speak...
Lol!!! There's no hope for us then!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Clue: A fanciful, if slightly wooden story in the wind.
I am still stuck on Cricket, Wood cricket.
Caroline in Jersey
Cin J
Wind in the willows? Cricket bats are made out of willow
I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!
Maybe the WAG plays a woodwind instrument but aint a clue or even a beetle {music side} and maybe wood boring beetle
a good laugh is better than a tonic
I can see that this one has got everyones antennae in a twist (please note this is not a clue)!
I'm in awe of the clever answers others have come up with! They make absolute sense, but I'd never have guessed them! Cryptic clues have never been my strong point! (That's my excuse anyway! Lol)
Bit stumped on this one,
all i can think of is a Phantom Midge, this ties in with the musical bit,
but can't link in the other clue, ???
music wise thre is Flight of the Bumblebee