Hello Folks,RSPB reserves are great places for you to get closer to nature. So what better reason than to have a quiz to see how much you know about them. Each Monday for 12 weeks, I will be posting a little teaser for you. Without looking in books or on the internet (i.e - no cheating), see if you can identify this RSPB reserve. On Wednesday, so as long as no-one has guessed it, I will post one clue. On Friday I will post the answer along with some additional information for your interest. Just for fun!: Make sure you keep an note of the first letter of each reserve as the weeks go by, and at the end of week 12, see if you can rearrange all 12 letters to spell out a message about our reserves.Here goes ....MYSTERY RSPB RESERVE#6Where the Luftwaffe looking for Gyrinus suffriani when they photographed this site in the 1940s?
Answer tomorrow!
Stumped on this one for the first time, thought Rainham Marshes/RAF Hornchurch but too far apart, gotta think RADAR installations 1940 Battle of Britain Kent/Sussex [Pulboorough RSPB??]
Oh well, I knew I was going to have to do it sooner or later - make something up to fit - RSPB Wind in the Willows is my (fictitious) guess.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
This week’s mystery reserve is..... Valley wetlands in Anglesey. Purchased as Valley lakes in 1986, Valley wetlands is home to Water rail, Marsh Harriers and Cetti’s warbler as well as the rare Gyrinus suffriani whirligig beetle and Water voles (Ratty). Fringed by reeds, the lakes at Valley wetlands are great places to see wildfowl, such as Shoveler, Pochard and Goldeneye. Did you know that the earliest photographic record of the site is a near perfect set of vertical photos taken in the 1940’s by the Luftwaffe!
More information on Valley wetlands can be found here:
Keep an eye out for next week’s mystery reserve quiz.
P.S - Don’t forget to jot down the first letter of each reserve.
Think Clair M was the nearest
Had us stumped on that one MrsT
a good laugh is better than a tonic