Feather quiz part 2

OK so here are a few more from the wildlife enquiries collection, some easy-ish some maybe a bit challenging! Look forward to hearing your opinions, will give you the answers next week!






Warden Intern at Otmoor.

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  • Hi IanH

    Surely that first one must be from my Avatar?

    1) A great spotted woodpecker?

    If it's wrong I don't mind, but if it's right I wanted to get it. LOL

    2) I'm going for jay

    I'm still trying the rest.

    That last one is a complete mystery, even with the help of your bird identifier

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • You could be onto a winner there..or could you... i won't give too much away just yet!

    The last one might cause some confusion so i'll give you a little hint, its not from a native bird but the owner of the feather can turn up in the wild in the UK!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I didn't do the 1st quiz but will have a try with this one

    1. GSW as woodpecker suggested

    2. Jay with you on that also w

    3. ? magpie but never seen one, sure its not gull etc due to shape.

    4. ? its v wee, so think this is way of, but don't starlings have a paler edge to their feathers.

    5. I know what this was as we had some as watch dogs!! There was a thread about them a day or so ago.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • 1 great spotted woodpecker   2  Jay    3 Magpie   4 not sure  5 guinea fowl.



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • Unknown said:

    1 great spotted woodpecker   2  Jay    3 Magpie   4 not sure  5 guinea fowl.


    I'll guess Black redstart  for 4


             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • Not good on feathers, but I'll have a go as well.

    1 GSW

    2 Jay.

    3 Magpie.

    4 Bullfinch.

    5 Cuckoo.

    Best wishes


  • Hi, I would agrees with Barnsley lad that 5 is a guineafowl. A neighbouring farmer used to keep them roaming about his yard when I was a child. Make good guard dogs, terrible racket when you arrived.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...


  • Hi Ian

    I will have a guess at these for a bit of fun, so here goes.

    1 Great Spotted Woodpecker

    2 Jay

    3 Magpie

    4 Mallard

    5 Guinea Fowl




    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Hi Ian

    Now we have a clue I also think 5) is a Guinea fowl.

    I agree that 3) is good for Magpie

    4) I'm going to guess at Teal secondary as it's so small


    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Thank you for all of your comments and your suggestions. I think Osprey has got a clean sweep!

    1. Great spotted woodpecker

    2. Jay

    3. Magpie

    4. Starling

    5. Guineafowl

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

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