Hello, it's time again to guess who made this nest? Clues available it needed!
Home again, home again.
Check it: http://sarahwestsblog.blogspot.co.uk/
That's a mute swan, and should only be approached with a licence ???
To each their own
Nope, not Mute Swan!
Also, you don't need a licence to approach a Mute Swan nest as they aren't on the Schedule 1 list, but you shouldn't approach nests anyway (unless you have a very good reason) and I wouldn't recommend approaching a swan nest! It is illegal to destroy or damage an active nest of any wild bird or to take/damage/kill a bird or its eggs. (There are some exceptions to this though).
I accidentally flushed this bird from its nest whilst doing a survey, and quickly left the area so that the bird could return to the nest.
Its a goose, and all nests are protected under the wildlife and countryside bill, its just that schedule 1 carries different penalties, but no nest are allowed to be photographed without a disturbance licence.
All birds and their nests are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, but you only need a licence to photograph Schedule 1 birds or their young in or around the nest. You do not need a licence to photograph the nest of any bird that is not on the Schedule 1 list, alhtough you should avoid disturbing birds at the nest anyway. As I've already said, I accidentally flushed this bird off of its nest, it was not intentional and wasn't just for photography purposes.
So I can set up a hide near any non schedule 1 birds and spends hours taking photographs, thanks very much I will look into doing that ???
Bird photography – a new code of practice | British Birds
www.britishbirds.co.uk › Main articles (abstract only
No, you shouldn't do anything that will be intentionally or recklessy disturbing nesting birds. What are you not understanding here?
This link explains it more simply: www.rspb.org.uk/.../faqs.aspx
I do know the law very well sarah, I have enough court experience to know what's what, I believe you should re look at your posts to see how the lay person could misconstrued your replies.
I've said in all of my replies to you that you should not cause disturbance to nesting birds and should not approach their nests.
Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand, does anyone have any guess at which bird made this nest?
That's an answer I would expect from someone who should know different, its a case of do as I say not as I do, so why have you not only disturbed a bird of its nest , but then delayed the bird getting back on the nest by taking pictures, of the nest ??? don't bother I know what you will say, and the organisation who employs you will not say a word to you ???