Secret reserves categorisation

Any one got any thoughts on the RSPB’s central management decision to categorise all their woodland reserves as Category 4…Of no value to the RSPB strategy… and is mothballing (at best) or SELLING  (at worst) despite the fact that woodland has, as a resource for nature, been identified as poorly managed nationally and, since the 1970s 70 to 80 percent of the birds living in woodland have been lost to us? A free thoughts come to mind for discussion: 1. RSPB management have forgotten what they are about, 2. Birding ids much more difficult, and therefore not as profitable as it is in Category 1 and 2 reserves… Wetland, Estuarine, Cliff

  • Sorry, one more point i would make is that rewilding cannot happen without management. There are very few, if any, places which, if left, will be left alone by humans, will become quality areas of habitat. We do not have areas of land large enough to adopt this form of  management, we have to concentrate areas that are left to make them attractive to wildlife to make them as good as possible for wildlife to prosper, and that can only be achieved through management.