Hello, I have a blackbird who lives in our holly tree and doesn't venture far. He has bare patches on his bum, head and neck and seems to scratching every time I see him. Is there anything that I n do to help him get better. I'm assuming he has mites but I can't get close enough to take a decent photo. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Adult birds should be going into moult at this time of year so hopefully new feathers will push through; meanwhile, maybe put out a shallow dish of water as they like bathing and if you have some dried mealworms that you can soak to rehydrate them (or fresh mealworms better) or even offer soaked raisins that blackbirds often enjoy as I'm sure easy food source will help him. Good luck.
Regards, Hazel
He's definitely been like it for the last month or so, but will try a water bath and mealworms. Thanks
I think along with H's suggestions I'd put out a sand tray as well - I know that the BB's around here also enjoy a good dust bath. They can look really ropy after the breeding season
Cin J