Enjoying Northumberland!

Hi! ... my second post...

Just to say what a fab birdwatching time I am having here on hols! Friday on Holy Island was amazing. I find chatting to other watchers a great way to learn.

I seem to be adding additional 'first sightings' to my list everyday. Even birds such as Rock Pippets, Common Buzzards, Eclipse Eiders. 

Yesterday I was puzzled by a sighting in Budle Bay. I had to be patient and hoped the bird got closer, and it did. It was a juvenile gull ... the size leant towards a black backed ID, but I can't be sure. And that is frustrating!

I guess I'm well and truly on the way to a permanent new hobby!! Therefore I think I need more than just Lidl middle aisle 10x50 bins (which I've already had to repair with masking tape!).

I have looked at the 'gear' chat room, and taken onboard good advice to look for a centre that sells/can try equipment before buying.

In the meantime, I would like to be able to photograph what I see to at least be able to share online and learn from others.

  • Hi JP,  glad to hear you are enjoying your new hobby and visited Holy Island which I've been to a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of birds both on the shoreline and around the island.    I remember in particular the Skylarks during breeding season soaring high into the air, singing/displaying by "parachuting" down  !    

    As you have read;   on binocular advice, always try before you buy and don't rule out good quality second hand binoculars as there can be some bargains out there;   I would always go into a shop for either new or second hand so you can still test them out and see if they suit your needs.    Photography can be an expensive hobby but also enjoyable and I remember my brother telling me that I would want to buy more gear and upgrade it as I got into photography .... and he wasn't wrong !!   Once again, depending on budget you can find used gear out there so may be worth checking out your local optical stores to see what they have, both new and used gear.     Keep enjoying the great outdoors and wildlife adventures and look forward to hearing more about the birds you have seen.    There are some very good books on bird ID to help;    I have the Collins Bird Guide which is a tad pricey but certainly worth it as it gives such great information and illustrations,     


    Regards, Hazel