Spotless Starling

Picked up song of a spotless Starling on Merlin today in my garden in this unusual?

  • BTW I'm female Rofl and to Add to this (considering there's been an unnecessary attitude to it all)

    My Fishing Husband pointed out that Blue-fin Tuna had barely been seen in England throughout History, until the last few years and now there's a Fishery for them in Falmouth... How about You all take CHILL PILL!!

    Birds have wings they can Travel as much as what Fish can swim. The 'old' knowledge/way of things is no longer the rules today!

  • Just a was asked in the original post whether spotless starling was unusual. This has been answered by several people, and clearly two others want to have a different opinion. The problem is those differing opinions are using American software that is not fit for purpose outside of USA (in many people's opinions). That has all been typed perfectly calmly. Up to people what they want to guess at, but ultimately, the original post from Chris Osborn has been answered.

  • Also picked up a spotless starling on Merlin yesterday. It was was with a murmuration of starlings but very much separate from them. 

    It was much louder than the starlings and that's why I needed to identify it with merlin. 

    The common starlings came up as European starlings and this one as spotless starling.

    We are near Salcombe Devon. 

    I may also add that it was much darker than the starlings. 

  • Searching BirdGuides is throwing nothing up -  need photos to help with id 

    Cin J

  • but no one is going to believe it until one is seen by someone of experience or is photographed. Starlings themselves are renowned for their ability to mimic and therefore change their tunes.