Thrush and Starling

Hi, I’ve lived in postcode SK6 for nearly 20 years.

I look after my garden birds, but I no longer have thrushes, which used to use a hammer stone, nor any starlings anymore. 
How can I get them back?

  • Hello Lorraine, it's very hard to say why thrushes and starlings no longer visit your garden as it can be down to many reasons when bird numbers drop such as change in habitat: - have shrubs, trees, general landscape around your garden or local area changed or disappeared, disturbance with new building or industry. I think one of the things you can do depending on the size of your garden is leave a good area of grass to grow wild, add or leave leaf litter which the thrushes love to sift through for bugs, insects, snails and if you have any off cuts of logs, or can add shrubs like pyracantha which has berries and provide a source of water, even a shallow dish, then it could help to attract birds back in. I hope you see your thrushes and starlings back again so good luck.


    Regards, Hazel