Have five IR cameras that i leave out in the garden Four of them for six days at a time. Is pretty time consuming going through the videos and keeping some for the final cut. Each camera can have nearly 200 clips. But this is what i do. This is the video for January. I do one video a month in the MY Garden Wildlife category.
The video for March is here and turned out quite good. Bigger birds have come into the garden, and a rather large mammal, just to check for food.
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Is that time again for another video. The blackcaps made a final appearance before moving on, as did the robin. A new visitor came into the garden that is a mammal. Plus all the usuall suspects.
May has been and just about gone. The garden got very busy later in the month with the first of this years fledglings. Great to see new life starting out in the big world.