New to forum.

Hi folks, am new to the forum here. I feed the wildlife that comes into the garden, be it birds or hedgehogs, and even the woodmice that live in the dry stone wall.

I have mainly ground feeders and one caged hanging feeder. Decided to stop using tube feeders due to the mess and waste.

I leave out IR cameras out for six days at a time to see what comes into the garden. And the hanging feeder has one that i bring in nightly. Have loads of videos that are in two main category's, that is " My Wildlife Garden" and "Wild Westcountry". The latter being that i walk the lanes and take a video camera with me. That is mainly flora and fauna the views and if i get lucky some birds. Also butterflies and insects.

The videos can be 10 minutes long or even longer if i get lucky. So if the people here would like to see them going back two years i can post them. Do have more up to date, for January this year. Will put that one up in a new thread.

I am in Southwest Devon.

  • Hello William, welcome to the forum, from up in the very far North of Scotland, in Caithness. If would be nice to see your photos and videos. Things are very quiet on here at the moment. Some have left, some are having time away for a while and some may only pop in and out, rather that be a regular poster. Many like to see photos and videos, as they do not take them themselves, or may not be able to get out and about, so the forum is where they can enjoy what others post. Enjoy being here.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi Catlady, and many thanks for the welcome. Will join in as much as i can and look forward to reading others post here. I take the videos over the coming month so will be the end of the month that i will put them up, found that works best with all the editing that i have to do. That is going forward, but like i said i have many videos going back if anyone would like to see them.
  • Hey William,welcome from the other end of the UK, in Dorset. Videos are a pain to post due to file size restrictions on the site, so videos are usually set up on YouTube and a link posted here. Not sure how the YouTube side of stuff works as I've never video'd.
  • Hi PimperneBloke, many thanks for the welcome, all my videos are stored on Youtube so no problems there. Better than storing them on my computer. Am familiar with the linking also.