Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • Apologies if the message appeared long. I think when I did the quote thing that might of stretched it. Also sorry for being late replying. I wasnt going out and about much but then I got lucky and managed to go to Robinswood Hill and Rodbrough Common. I was particularly exited about Rodbrough Common cause I been trying to go for months and didn’t know if I would be able to get and about or even as far as that. I also particularly like Robinswood Hill. Exspeacially since it is the Wildlife Trusts headquarters and they get the rare long water owl Owl in winter. Most Recently this week I been very busy and trying to sort my photos and videos out. My Wildlife photos and videos are extremely valuable to me cause they all started being taken from when I overcame my fear and so date back all the way to then. Includeing me holding a tarantula. and I have videos of the very first time I spent time with and played with my dogs. and my very first photos of Wildlife. I decided to start with ones from last year and this year. didn’t realise how long it would take and have only been able to have 10 or 15 minutes outside cause it’s takeing so long to upload the photos for storage. Iv been having to keep an eye on my devices and make sure they don’t become temperamal Exspeacially my phone. Im trying to find out if there’s other or better places to store and upload them. Im not haveing much luck cause my binoculars are broken and unusable and I was going to store all my photos and videos on a disk but now my laptop has broken. Have you ran into any issues like these before too?
  • First question, is your long water owl supposed to be a long eared owl?

    As for devices getting slow, we've all had that issue. Just like us, as they get older, they also slow down. But there are many other reasons why that happens. Semiconductors do wear out eventually. But heat, so  long as you don't go outside the devices operating temperature range, which is pretty hard to do under normal usage, then you have no need to worry.

    The problem times are  on hot days and people place their devices under a pillow, or even worse, under the pillow while charging!

    Fast charging a device can make the device and battery reach temperatures close to 55ºC!

    Put the device under a pillow, which becomes a thermal blanket, and that temp will rocket sky high.

    Most devices will operate upto 50ºC, with the fact that reaching and staying at the temp under normal operating conditions, is very rare.

    With the incessant need to improve image quality and operating speed, software writers fine tune, for want of better words, the operating systems. This in turn requires more memory space, and if you see memory space as a set of drawers or wardrobe, and as time goes on you get more clothes, searching for that one item can be slower and difficult unless you clear some unused items or buy a bigger wardrobe.

    Also, with big improvements to device cameras, the ultimate photo size has considerably increased, so perhaps choosing a lower resolution might help. But, and a BIG but, you will lose image quality, as I'm sure you would expect.

    So using the device normally shouldn't give any cause for concern, and they do become tired after a period of time.

    Often today, with newer devices made in the last few years, expanding memory isn't an option, because manufacturers have seen fit to remove card expansion slots while big companies send you glossy adverts enticing you to join them for a monthly fee to store files and photos.

    Online storage isn't my choice, but I'm getting forced down that route because the vast majority of apps on my device are a waste of space, I never have nor will I ever use them, and the device manufacturer adds more useless apps. That said, there will be those who will use them, but I get no choice. More junk in the wardrobe....

    So there's a compendium of scenarios that can make a device slow, and it could be one or more, or even all of them plus others not mentioned.

    So that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

  • Nope it’s not a watery long eared owl it’s a Long eared owl. I think it might of been auto correct.
  • Zo Clark said:
    Nope it’s not a watery long eared owl it’s a Long eared owl. I think it might of been auto correct.

    Dictative text I call it these days, because all too often, even after you've changed the word(s) to what they should be, it changes it to what it wants you to type, if you get my drift. Its called progress....

    And we're supposed to trust algorithms!  Scream

  • Yes. Some things it puts can be really Frustrating but sometimes it can be funny. Im going to go home this evening. im going crabbing on Saturday and then I’m going to Brownsea Island on Sunday. What Wildlife should  I Exspeacially look  out for and try and get photos of on Brownsea island and where can I find them? 

  • Zo Clark said:

    Yes. Some things it puts can be really Frustrating but sometimes it can be funny. Im going to go home this evening. im going crabbing on Saturday and then I’m going to Brownsea Island on Sunday. What Wildlife should  I Exspeacially look  out for and try and get photos of on Brownsea island and where can I find them? 

    I've never been to Brownsea, but I know they are rich in red squirrels, so there is one to look out for, and a good opportunity for a trip report when you return.

  • Thanks. Sorry Im late replying. It took more than 2 hours to get to Dorset and I been exhausted  from the long journeys.  I got lots of photos and videos from the holiday and its taken a long time to go through them and share them. We left early in the morning and got there by 14:17 I went crabbing with some family members and then after that I went round the family members house and had tea then we went to the hotel and we stayed there for the night. After that we got up early on Sunday morning to have breakfast and catch the ferry to go to Brownsea Island. We met up with the family there and the ferry took 15 minutes. At Brownsea island there was lots of different habitats. We saw a red squirrel and We went to the lagoon and We saw waders they get lots of different types but I only managed to get Redshank and Oystercatcher. some of the Redshank had dirty legs but other Redshank didnt. They looked small when they were forageing but the binoculars made them look big the dirty legs caused abit of comfusion but the photos made it easy to work out that it was just cause some of them had dirty legs.
    There was lots of different types of other species of Wildlife there aswell. There was birds at the harbour aswell as the lagoon and other places there aswell.

    The next day we drove all the way to the midlands near Loughborough to see a family member that became disabled and couldn’t walk cause of an acident and has dementia. She’s in a care home. We went to a restaurant with her and sat where it’s quiet. Mum helped her with walking. Mum asked what she thinks is holding her back and why she’s still not able to walk and She says she thinks what’s holding her back with walking is that the people she lives with are insistent she uses a trolly for walking all the time. There was cows there which I took photos of but they had horns which was interesting and I wondered why they had horns. Then we left and I came back I got here by 6 pm.

  • No worries about the delayed reply, the important thing is you're getting out and about.

    I've seen the photos of your recent Dorset holiday, and nice they are too.

    I feel for your family member, it must be quite frustrating not getting the assistance she needs, plus, while I don't know the full scenario for the home, I do feel for the staff in these places, having seen how many are understaffed generally, and that preceded BREXIT by a few years, and not taking other situations of recent months into consideration.

    I know when I was being prepared to walk, even with a frame (which by the way, I found an inconvenience, but the physios have a procedure to follow for very good reasons) after my accident and in hospital, it was a team of physios and nurses just to monitor and support me should I fall or anything otherwise to happen. Taking that into consideration, and with so many care homes having staffing problems, that doesn't make it easy for your family member.

  • It was lucky that I found a spare pair of Binoculars before going on holiday otherwise I wouldn’t of been able to take the close ups. The small ones in the shallow part photos with black beak and small legs were Dunlin. The biger ones with long red legs and beak were Redshank. The binoculars made them look larger than they actually are. Which is one of the reasons I thought I should also take a photo without the binoculars which was helpful cause some of them had dirty legs.
    With the oystercatcher I asked the person in the hide where they are cause they were all silhouette cause they were distant he showed me where they are and the Telescope was pointed at them. I asked if He minds if I take a photo through it and he said he doesn’t and encouraged me to go ahead. And it was almost time to go so I was lucky to be able to get a photo of them. The rest of the other waders were on the other side and were silhouetted even if they were close up cause of the time of day so I didn’t manage to get those.

    At the cove I went crabbing for the very first time. And then when I went to Brownsea cause iv only birdwatched by land and at the beach  it  was my first time birdwatching (by ferry) and my first time seeing waders for real and not just from photos or in books. And got my very first photo of waders like Dunlin and Oystercatcher. There were feeders with coal tit, Blue Tit and Great Tit and Nuthatch aswell so I got photos of those aswell. With the waders Dunlin and Redshank and the ones with long cracks There beaks are used for probing for insects and invertrevretes at the lagoon.

    With the Family I saw the day after Before we went to the restaurant Mum asked the family member  if she still wanted the trolly on the way to the car and when she wants it but the carer cut in before she could respond and said no she needs the trolly all the time so that also means going out she can’t go out unless she has the trolly with her. but in her case she’s being useing it for so many years that rather than helping her it’s actually holding her back now. 

  • With the trolley and your family member, the carer will always take the safe approach, no matter how negative it may seem.

    When I was working, one of the many jobs I had to do was work process risk assessments, that means looking for the worst case scenario (which in some, but thankfully very few, cases could mean fatality) and putting safeguards in place to remove or reduce the negative impact(s).

    The home will have completed a risk assessment on your family member to ensure her stay is a safe as possible, and if they don't advise the use of the trolley and she had a fall, they could become liable.