Hello from Barrow Island

I live in the middle of a heavily industrialised dockland.  Unprepossessing?  Not a bit of it.  A ten-minute walk towards the town centre may give me goosander, eider, cormorant, a whole raft of gulls, mainly herring and lesser-blackbacked (in a month or so I'll be able to watch lesser black-bach chicks being raised in the shadow of the town hall).   I swear I've seen a peregrine hunting from the big crane (no, unfortunately not that kind of crane) but have heard no confirmatory reports.  Only slightly further afield there are goldfinches and stonechats amongst the gorse on the dunes, and all manner of shorebirds on the miles of unspoilt and uncommercialised beach.  A huge flock of starlings performs an aerial ballet every evening at sunset before roosting in  the bridge over the docks.

Am I lucky or what?  Would I go back to the Home Counties?  Gerrawaywithyou, as my dad would have said!




  • Hello everybody!
    We are from a school in Germany and we have to do a presentation about your island.
    Does anybody wants to make an interview with us about the life on your island.
    We would be very happy if you could contact us till next week.
    Thanks for your help and have a good day Smiley
  • P.s. Here are the questions:
    What ist special about your island? Is it very windy? We heard that it is one of the windiest places on the word, is it correct? What do you do when a storm is coming? How do you rescue your selfs? Do you get hints when a storm is coming, like a grey sky or rain? Do you have a app or something that sends you a message when a Strom comes? Is there a spot on the island where you notice the change caused by the wind the most? Wich is your favourite place one the island? Do you have any tips for tourists when the want to come, like special clothes or so? Have a great day!
  • I am afraid your replying to a very old post from 2010 and I doubt very much the poster is still here

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)