I am in my caravan on the site at Longleat, Wiltshire and I'm listening to the dawn chorus using the Merlin app to identify bird song. It seems very accurate. 3 mornings in a row it has identified the song of an American Robin in the chorus. I can't see it only hear it. Could this be the case?
Are you able to set 'location' or 'continent' with the Merlin App? If so, what has it been set to?
Law of averages, it's mistaken and is using US setting to make a judgement. Does it come up with alternatives?
You need to be a bit careful with the Merlin App to use a Bird Pack appropriate to your location. You can check which Packs are installed by clicking on the Settings. If you haven't got it already I would recommend you install and use the Britain and Ireland pack and see what that picks up at tomorrow's dawn chorus. Good luck.
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Ok if I copy 9/10s of this paragraph, so I can paste it whenever Merlin crops up?
If you wish although I'd like to hear back from Sarah about how she set up the Merlin App. I like to keep an open mind about these things.
I think it's important to have a balance between 'keeping an open mind' and 'scepticism/almost closed mind'. Slightly taking it up to another level from a potential bird sighting, but open minds these days often isn't good and often ends in bad results.....random example, CVs aren't worth the paper they're written on anymore as so many are works of fiction.