Hello everyone!
I have got myself a new feeding station for my garden birds and it started me thinking about mealworms and the amount i spend on them ( due to my starlings being very greedy!) and decided to start raising my own. Has anyone one done this? and if so was it productive?
I must say the idea of beetles in my house is making me wonder!
That looks a great feeder but I am not sure my Pied Wagtails or Blackcaps would be prepared to venture in there (and I know the Grey Wagtail wouldn't as he still hasn't sussed out how to get onto the feeder table LOL).
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Susan H said: Thanks Birdwatcher. You have convinced me! I will have to do some saving up as I have spent a fortune on food this week.
Thanks Birdwatcher. You have convinced me! I will have to do some saving up as I have spent a fortune on food this week.
Hi Sparrow,
Looks as if you need a new handbag now ,the larger bags are all the rage at the moment,lol:-)
Hi Birdwatcher,
I recieved one very similar yesterday from CJ's and will see how I get on with it. I'm glad you said that about the Starlings struggling to reach as they were the main reason I bought it - drives me daft the way the Starlings inhale everything before the small birds get a look in!