Hello everyone!
I have got myself a new feeding station for my garden birds and it started me thinking about mealworms and the amount i spend on them ( due to my starlings being very greedy!) and decided to start raising my own. Has anyone one done this? and if so was it productive?
I must say the idea of beetles in my house is making me wonder!
Hi Robin,
I don't breed my own personally, but plenty of folk do. There is a link here to the RSPB page telling you all about it.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Having just read that link Robin / Sparrow, there is no way I am having them breeding in my house. Hate to think what the biscuit tin will smell like. I will definitely carry on buying them.
I did try breeding them, but I found they was too smelly. may be i did it wrong but the smell was too much, so I put them in my potting shed but it was too cold for them, so gave them to the birds.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Well just incase it is of use or interest I've attached our information factsheet on mealworm cultures to compliment the link pointed out by Sparrow. Hope it helps
My answer was to get a meal worm feeder keeps starlings and large birds out. Got it from livefoodsdirectThis was taken last night after they had all gone to bed! Took them a couple of weeks to get used to itbut now it is always busy with tits and finches. I tried raising them but couldn't stand the smell
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Forgive me if this sounds foolish, but do you just carry on keeping all of the beetles in there with the mealworms, or do you remove some mealworms en mass and keep them somewhere else (to keep them colder) so that you have a supply of just mealworms to feed to the birds?
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Hi Birdwatcher,
Dos it really keep the starlings out? I have a seed feeder with a guard that looks much the same guage, but the starlings can get half their bodies in and reach the food. If it wil keep them out I may get one. (Small enough to smuggle!!!!)
They cannot reach the cup in the middle, its too far away . They could sometimes steal the odd spillage worm off the tray but that's all. It has saved me a fortune in mealworms. We get absolutely plagued by starlings and they used to eat them all before the little ones got a look in.P.S. Not so little about 10" square unless you have a large handbag !!
Thanks Birdwatcher. You have convinced me! I will have to do some saving up as I have spent a fortune on food this week.
I am still eagerly awaiting the arrival of my feeder, ordered from here. Only ordered this week so being impatient I know. I too am hoping to save a fortune.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...