Blue tits nesting

Hi all. Hoping someone can help.

The blue tits in our garden have started getting the nest ready and have started filling it up but today I have noticed they appear to be emptying it. I wasnt sure if they was moving out or just simply emptying it of stuff they don't want in there. We also have Robins and House Sparrow using the same feeder and thought they may not feel comfortable nesting so close to the feeder if someone could please advise. I'm yet to see where they are actually taking the straw etc they are taking out.

Kind regards,


  • Hi Gemma, I've just noticed the exact same thing today! Our feeder is about 3.5 m away at the side of a hedge running away from the house and the box is on the house about 2.5 m high up between us and neighbour. Faces east. We have had blue tits before in 2016 and a single one was roosting there that yr over winter but not had any more til now. A pair have been adding material , {we have a camera in the box }, I noticed since 20th marGrin. I saw one taking 2 lots of material out of the box today so I hope they aren't moving out bless them . Maybe spooked or not happy with feeder near? But I'll keep an eye on it.
  • Just thinking could it be an imposter, a new couple taking over as we see quite a few blue tits about so may be another pair trying to move in?