I thought I would try and post one of my photo's a day, that I like.
Coal Tit on a Gorse bush - Photo taken at: www.rspb.org.uk/.../the-lodge
Thanks Wendy, I am fairly sure it is just the yellow marking around the beak. I see what you mean though.
Thanks William
13 Jul 24 - Magpie (Pica pica) - A bit of a quirky pose.Photo taken at: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/dorset/studland-bay/old-harry-rocks-walk
Note: You can click on the photo for an enlarged view, it will open in flickr.
My, what a big eye you have Mr Magpie!
Nice one snappy, they are quite common here where I live.
Looks odd doesn't it. I wondered if it was a young bird, it seemed smaller than others that were about.
Thanks William, quite a few near us. They don't come in the garden that often though.
14 Jul 24 - Curlew (Numenius Arquata) - Mud, glorious mud…Photo taken at: https://www.rspb.org.uk/days-out/reserves/arne
SnappyMac said: Mud, glorious mud
The worry is, that used to be a footpath Snappy lol. Super shot
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)