Kite Flying !

Not too long ago we had the lovely trio of Red Kites flying over our garden. We often see them individually or even pairs but not seen 3 together here before. A bit like the Egrets in that not too many years ago we never saw them here. Hope you enjoy Grin

  • I see Bambles has deleted a post, 'explaining' how it all works....

    I think in 21st Century, with camera technology and accompanying software as it is, personality traits like scepticism and cynicism come into their own. With so many good photos taken these days, we're spoilt for choice with what to look at, and what not to spend anymore time over.

    If it looks dodgy, I don't waste anymore seconds on it. For example, this kite photo, to me, looks dodgy. As has been pointed out, it can be 'proven'. But, surely, it just 'looks wrong'???

    For further input, that kite top left is clearly further from the camera than the one below it. Everything in the photo is in focus. Clearly, some cameras have a "correct aperture" = focus on everything, incl background......or become a cynic like me......
  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I see Bambles has deleted a post, 'explaining' how it all works....

    I think in 21st Century, with camera technology and accompanying software as it is, personality traits like scepticism and cynicism come into their own. With so many good photos taken these days, we're spoilt for choice with what to look at, and what not to spend anymore time over.

    If it looks dodgy, I don't waste anymore seconds on it. For example, this kite photo, to me, looks dodgy. As has been pointed out, it can be 'proven'. But, surely, it just 'looks wrong'???

    For further input, that kite top left is clearly further from the camera than the one below it. Everything in the photo is in focus. Clearly, some cameras have a "correct aperture" = focus on everything, incl background......or become a cynic like me......

    To be honest you have to have a reasonable understanding of the limitations of even current photographic equipment and the depth of field limitations of specific lenses at various settings to see the difference between a nice "picture" and a "wrong" photograph. Following on from that is how the author describes their posting. If its posted as a declared creation then there can be  no issue but if its posted to deceive then that's disrespectful.

  • Thanks, but I don't think so, Bob. I am not a photographer, and could see a 'wrong picture'. I didn't read the wording provided so wasn't influenced or offended by it. I just saw a photo that looked an obvious construction, rather than a picture taken and uploaded to the site.

    I take your point re people making stuff up. I totally oppose it.....but really didn't matter to me in this instance. Photo looked wrong so I just closed the thread and moved on assuming it wasn't an unedited photo.

    Personally, I don't see the point of messing about with photos once back home. I take photos for memories. Photo editing is rewriting history and therefore no different to people writing events that didn't happen. Everyone has their motivations though, and for publishing photos or doing it as an art etc, I can see why people do edit photos at home. Just not my thing.