pros and cons of biological recording

I dont just take pictures of species of Wildlife, nature and the natural world. when im out wildlife watching and share them with people  I also record the species iv seen by sending them off to my county recorder usualy with photos but if identifiable without a photo without.  but a photo acompanying a observation is usualy the prefered option with alot of county recorders and recording schemes.

when it comes to effect of the actual recording of wildlife in biological recording there are of cause ups and downs like with most things. the ups of recording wildlife is that it helps county recorders and recording schemes record biodiversity and helps them map out there current distributions. weather it has changed or not or still pretty much the same and what species are changeing distribution amd what species hasnt and it can help with conservation. exspecialy the recording of either new and undiscovered species or just rare or endangered species. plus people can discover a species new to scence with or without being aware if there lucky when twkeing photos and/or recording. 

the downs however is that some species are well recorded but some are not so some go under recorded. and there is a couple of reasons for this some species of wildlife are more popular with most people than others. for instance butterflys are more popular than moths cause butterflys tend to be colourful whereas most moths are made for camafauge rather than haveing the warning colors butterflys have. then of course there is spiders. spiders are under recorded cause most people dont take an interest in them or are scared of them due to the myths and misconceptions surpunding spiders they were grown up with as children or cause they are hairy. then of course another reason is some species can be easyer to spot thsn others. and another reason some wildlife go under recorded is cause  some animals are more popular than others so may prefer to look out for and record birds or mammels rather than less popular ones causeing them to be recorded by county recorders and tecording schemes more than others 

there are of course other examples of wildlife that go under recorded aswell. for instance its not just certain familys. some species within a particular family may be more popular in biological recording than others but there are also certain species within certain familys that can be challangeing to identify fir instance certain types of beetles can be easy while others can be more challangeing and in some cases can require looking through a magnifying glass or needing to see if its male or female under a microscope before being reliably seperated from another similar looking species causeing them to be less popular due to being so similar and challangeing to identify for most people causeing those species in that family to be under recorded in biological recording. and therfore resulting in not enough records to get sn ides of distrubtion for county recorders and recording. that and certain species in some familys can be less well known than others 

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  • I know all that. That is nothing new! Also please can you put capitol letters at the start of every sentence! It can be explained in much less words than what you’ve posted. Every serious birdwatcher knows all about that in what you’ve posted!



    Guidance on submitting records




    Article from 1979 that if anyone sees and reports a very rare breeding/nesting bird in the UK after reporting to your local county recorder your shouldn’t publicise that sighting. This is a PDF.



  • Unknown said:

    I know all that. That is nothing new! Also please can you put capitol letters at the start of every sentence! It can be explained in much less words than what you’ve posted. Every serious birdwatcher knows all about that in what you’ve posted!

    im a detail oientated person so i do go in detail about things sometimes and i find it easyer to exsplain things that way rather than in a few words plus i like shareing my knoledge about wildlife with others and cause of my autism i (can) go into great detail about my speacial interests and talk and write alot about tooics related to my speacial interest so i do go into detail about things sometimes rather than only exsplaining things in a few words sometimes.  i do sometimes find it easyer to go into detail when exsplaining things rather than only a few words but that is just the way i am. but I do try to do things to try to make it easyer for people to read sometimes. like i make my writeing easyer to read by spliting what i write into paragraphs sometimes. i might not allways put capital letters when i weite but i dont do that knowingly but i will try to if a sentence needs a capital letter.

    I didnt know weather anyone knew it or not  but regardless of if they do or not it is an interesting topic and an interesting discussion. i hope that clears things up.  back to the topic of the post 

  • If you want to write like that.. That is up to you. Can you please start each sentence with capital letters. Everyone else starts each sentence with capitol letters. I just won’t read if you can’t put capitol letters at the start of each sentence. That is easy to do. And the way you start each sentence with the small letters is not correct. I just won’t read. If you want to post all that detail. It will be easier to read with a link. Why you can’t start a sentence with capitol letters I don’t know. But all of the active Bird Watchers know all of what you’ve posted. If you must post in the way you do. It would be nice if you started each sentence with capitol letters. What I’ve noticed some sentences that you post have a capitol letters. But the majority you start a sentence with small letters. You must know that most know most of the long term members know all of what you’ve posted. But please start all of your sentences with capitol letters. Everyone else can!



  • Unknown said:
    If you want to write like that.. That is up to you. Can you please start each sentence with capital letters. Everyone else starts each sentence with capitol letters. I just won’t read if you can’t put capitol letters at the start of each sentence. That is easy to do. And the way you start each sentence with the small letters is not correct. I just won’t read. If you want to post all that detail. It will be easier to read with a link. Why you can’t start a sentence with capitol letters I don’t know. But all of the active Bird Watchers know all of what you’ve posted. If you must post in the way you do. It would be nice if you started each sentence with capitol letters. What I’ve noticed some sentences that you post have a capitol letters. But the majority you start a sentence with small letters. You must know that most know most of the long term members know all of what you’ve posted. But please start all of your sentences with cap

    I don't usually get involved with these sort of things but I felt I have to say what an extremely unpleasant, unnecessary tirade this was. Zo, who has autism, can speak for himself. My knowledge of autism is minimal but I do feel that you should factor this in your responses.

    I'm not going to go through all the grammatical mistakes in your reply to Zo but I would point out that you clearly don't know the difference between "capital" and "capitol". Pot calling the kettle black? 



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • sorry for the late reply. thanks for your support. and exspecialy since you dont normaly get involved in those sorts of things it was much apreciated. i think I will try  to move the topic on to get the topic back to the ups and downs of biological recording  cause it is a very interesting topic that would make for an interesting discussion aswell 

  • when you send a biological record to a recording scheme even if a Biological record is correct it still needs to be verified and then challangeing ones tend to be harder to get verified than just difucult species. uncommon or  Rare species also need to be verified weather you have correctly identified or not and depending on the species can also be hard to get verified. i. record isnt the only recording scheme but recording schemes send identifications to i record or to the NBN atlas or add it to there own database. 

    however with i record in particular alot of records can go unverified for a long time or even stay unverified and never get verified at all. exspecialy with spiders. when I do spiders I send it to the spider recording scheme so that they can add it to there of the reasons i record them is cause not only are they more interesting if you look closer and get to know them but cause they are an under recorded species most get verified as correct and sent to there database

    of course there are other species that are under recorded aswell though so I record a variety. but  not everone does or will do nesacerily. 

    more other ups and downs of biological records I find also though is that records are kept safely in a database or atlas online but again thats online. online also has ups and downs which is why you should try not to rely too much on the internet to keep photos safe and so have a offline back up just in case. so they would need a back up if something were to hapoen one day otherwise all the data coukd be lost

    another thing is that   i record can have probloms with duplicate observations and so can be a problom and is a problom they have to deal wirh sometimes 

  • another interesting thing to mention is that with maps of species distributions from biological records in surveys, and recording schemes and other things where people help like bird track or by counting or by other ways is that maps of species distributions can become outdated. last year the Grasshopper recording scheme aswell as spider recording scheme asked people to help contribute there records exspecialy since the records that have been verified as correct  will be put on the updated map of there distribution and any you dont send wont be put on it.

    so maps of species distribution can become outdated over time and so need to be updated cause distributions can change over time.

    but there are ups and downs to methods used in various schemes, surveys and methods in biological recording and so then theres also weather the maps will nesacerily be completely acurate even if they do get updated

    theres different methods used to get an idea of distributions and theres weather the method people use to record species give the county recorders who use certain methods in recording schemes and surveys an acurate picture of species distribution

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