Frocester Hill. House sparrows and nesting and The birth of a Robins

on the way there 

1 pheasant 

and a pilon bird 

plus Dafodills 

at the barn 

In the barn 

a man at the barn who works there said he wants to show us something since I’m interested in birds and led us to a hole in the 

wall he said a Robin had been nesting and has had some 

young and the lady next to me said you can see them through the wall if you look through with a torch and used a torch I told to leave it alone now.

But heres the hole. Theres Young Robins in there. 

after that he told us there’s another Robin who’s nesting and had young aswell and then he told us that they put up a barn owl box 

and a kestrel is nesting in one of the barns