Frocester Hill. House sparrows and nesting and The birth of a Robins

on the way there 

1 pheasant 

and a pilon bird 

plus Dafodills 

at the barn 

In the barn 

a man at the barn who works there said he wants to show us something since I’m interested in birds and led us to a hole in the 

wall he said a Robin had been nesting and has had some 

young and the lady next to me said you can see them through the wall if you look through with a torch and used a torch I told to leave it alone now.

But heres the hole. Theres Young Robins in there. 

after that he told us there’s another Robin who’s nesting and had young aswell and then he told us that they put up a barn owl box 

and a kestrel is nesting in one of the barns 

  • I actually meant I want a nice discussion about my day now not I wanted. Im not implying it was a bad discussion or not a nice discussion but nice as the good points that made it a nice day.

    so I just want  A nice discussion basically. But in the sense of a casual discussion about my day how did it go did you have a nice day and maybe talk about the good point or both good and bad not just the bad.

    I didn’t want and also dont  want the presence of the topic that was discussed gone im not going to be deleating my comments in response cause as you said hopefully people learn it doesn’t matter weather it’s a man or women someone shouldn’t of looked through the hole with a torch and as you said in reference to the strange bird in the cage thing that happened last year you should find out what the countryside rules are to see if it’s ok or not luckily I havnt seen it done again since. The issues have been addressed anc now I think we should talk about my day in general so the threads not all doom and gloom I didn’t think you would assume I wanted your comments deleated And as You already know anyone can comment and comments about my day are welcome

  • So I was hoping you would see my first comment before you remove what you said to me in your comments cause I didn’t want them removed. But youv already done it by the time I sent the comment. don’t want you to feell like you can’t comment on my thread cause anyone can comment. I don’t see why we can’t talk about my day in general now that we discussed those important issues and hope others too learn if they don’t know already. and I think it will be nice to have a discussion but the ok aswell as good aspects now too cause it (was a nice day) so I don’t want my post to be all doom and gloom cause there was good points aswell of course.   I hope that you understand what I meant now regardless of the fact you misunderstood and deleted your comments Cause you thought I didn’t desire them. 

  • I don’t know if you want to talk about my day or not. Regardless of weather you want to talk about my day or not I hope others enjoy the photos on my thread and would like to tell me what they think of my photos and talk about my trip. As said before in the comments that wasn’t directly in reply to Linda but anyone not just her. lots of other things happened that day so it will be nice to have a chat about my day

  • I hope you enjoy my trip and Anyone is welcome to comment And have a chat
  • so I went down the other side of the barn and down the path and spotted a Robin so I took a photo I also saw some white Deadnettle and the rooks were bringing nesting material again 

  • I didn’t see the Rabbit again though but I saw other things
  • Thanks for your photos from your day out Zo. Hope you enjoyed your trip.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    Thanks for your photos from your day out Zo. Hope you enjoyed your trip.

    thats ok.  Yes I did enjoy my trip. You might want to excuse the lynn said I don’t know where the forum gets these names from. 
    ita not as bad as autocorrect though when I said something about long eared owls to Mike once autocorrect corrected long eared owl and  typed  watery eared owl instead which I didn’t realise so Mike got back to me and asked At the end of his reply one more thing did you mean watery eared owl? So I said no that was autocorrect they - Robinswood Hill don’t get watery eared owls only long eared owls.

    so it’s not as bad as auto correct but I’m sure you knew it was in reply to you anyway though.

    When I was at Frocester hill I heard all sorts of birds I saw a bumblebee pollinating a plant but the plant was down a steep bit in the middle of stinging nettles and there was no other way through except through the stinging nettles and there was no path so I stayed clear 

    but I saw a couple of ground ivys and white Deadnettle in the white Deadnettle there was an insect or spider but ita body was too hidden away to identify which. There wasn’t any butterflys but I did see a bumblebee that’s the main thing and it was a good sign I saw one pollinating cause I only been seeing queens looking for a suitable place to make a nest. Im not there in the evenings I usually visit mornings or afternoons but I found out they get tawny owls which is cooll I didn’t see any buzzards today but sometimes they get buzzards come over the rooks are usually  first to sound the alarm. Then once all the Butterflys are out fully I sometimes see Butterflys there so that will be something to look forward to aswell next time I go. I definitely enjoyed it a lot I think the sparrows all diveing for the bucket was quiet funny it’s quiet interesting that there is house sparrows in there and they are the birds the lady was on about that dives for the horses feed 

    sparrows can take over nests of over species and  arnt usualy in there 

    the barn swallows seem to nest successfully at the barn since the lady has updated me on them about the outcomes saying they have had young 

  • I have no idea why, when a quote from me is used, it says Lynn L said!!?? Not my name, not even my initials!!??

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.