Bumblebee photography share your photos here

Anyone can share there Bumblebee Photos here 

  • It’s been takeing a very long time to go through my photos. 

    Red tailed Bumblebee 

  • A few of the ones at the beginning were from my phone the rest is from my I pad I still got a lot of them on my phone though
  • I had lots more photos than this so it took a long time to go through them I got more on my phone than my I pad but I ended up having to use my phone more than my I pad for taking photos eventually 

  • This Bumblebee visited our table at Highfield last year and had a drink from the table 

  • I help Bumblebees out when I see one thats tired or run down 

    both out and about and in the garden I also help honey bees and wasps and Ants if I find one that’s tired and exhausted aswell not just Bumblebees But with Bumblebees when they crawl onto your hand or onto a leaf on your hand when there tired and exsusted if you have just had some honey  but havnt got all of it off when you think you have they will drink from hand literally. On occasions where thats happened iv had to Go back and wash it off since it’s unhealthy for Bumblebees and can make them ill. Wasps and Ants will be attracted to you and try and drink from you too so if you think you got everything off and you havnt you will find out eventually some species of Wildlife will pick up on it and tell you 

  • Wasp and ants will be attracted to me if I have sugary substances on me Exspeacially after iv fed a bumblebee some sugary solution to help it get its energy back. You have to be extra careful with washing your hands before going outside cause with ants and wasps there attracted to sugary substances regardless of if there tired and exhausted or not and will land on you if a wasp to have a drink or ants will start to crawl on you and drink it. I never feed bumblebees honey if there run down only sugary soloution cause honey is bad for them so i have to really try and get it all off if I ever do have honey if I’m going to help a Bumblebee I try to make sure Its when I havnt had anything sugary before doing so cause I don’t want to attract other species to it and I only want the Bumblebees to drink the sugary solution not the honey. Is allways a good idea to make sure you don’t have anything on your hands before going out wildlife can be good indicators of hand hygiene after eating food in that sense
  • Click rich formatting then there will be a portrait button click on the portrait and it will give you the options photo library and files click on either of those then choose the photo you want and it will add it to the page then you press send