I couldn’t get any photos today but I managed to count all the gulls flying over to there roost site this evening there was 1 hundred and ten
I don’t have any photos but 2 Herring Gulls on the Chimney in Kingsway 12:10 pm
bigger than a black headed gull, light bluish gray wings, pale legs, yellow beak with red spot and no black markings around the face, eyes, head
The thread has slowed down a lot and that there hasn’t been any more gull photos the thread is about any species of gulls and it’s been mainly me posting since its any type of gull species maybe there might be more people during Spring and Summer since that when people tend to go to beaches and things like that more often. gulls can be found pretty much anywhere but your almost guaranteed to find one at an estuary or a beach or a gull roost. Anyway I have another photo of a gull. im still curious why I don’t see herring gulls and black backed at the canal and other places apart from the canal but less than during Spring and Summer and black headed gulls during Autumn and wiinter at the canal but rarely during Spring and Summer but Hopefully I will find out eventually. Iv managed to get some photos of some gulls this morning