Gulls share your photos here

I know not everyone likes gulls. Some like gulls some don’t. But some do and they are very interesting There’s differant types. So it could be very educational and helpful for identification To have a Thread dedicated to gulls. And they have there own Complex social hirechy. 

  • I’m not far from Slimbridge Wetland Centre that has a part that looks over The Severn estuary. Im only an hour away from slimbridge. I go past it often when I go in the car somewhere and get to see views of the estuary aswell as the rest of the River Severn from the Cotswold hills. I have also been the Severn estuary myself. The Gloucester and Sharpness Canal connects to the river Severn at a certain point of the canal and that is where the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal finishes. The river Seven starts in the mountains in wales, and runs through Gloucestershire. the river Severn runs past Bristol and goes through the Bristol Channel out into the Atlantic. it’s also a natural river. Not man made. the river forms the estuary called the Severn estuary. It is also known as a important flyaway for migratory birds. So I have both slimbridge and an estuary.
  • Iv got more photos of the black headed gulls I’m eager to send. I managed to take lots of them today. Iv been determined to go back since I only managed to get 4 the last time I went to the canal and I usually take more than that. And even though there not as close I hope there’s still good enough for the thread since this share your photos here post can help with gull identification when people send there photos and not only that gulls can be interesting. But I managed to get some action shots today
  • I couldn’t get any photos today but I managed to count all the gulls flying over to there roost site this evening there was 1 hundred and ten 

  • I don’t have any photos but 2 Herring Gulls on the Chimney in Kingsway 12:10 pm

      bigger than a black headed gull, light bluish gray wings, pale legs, yellow  beak with red spot and no black markings around the face, eyes, head 

  • When I went to buy snacks and got in the car to go back I saw what looked exactly like a plastic bag fly down from the roof and behind the car but then I suddenly saw wings and the rest of it and it turned out to be gull. I never knew you could mistake a gull for a plastic bag.
  • The thread has slowed down a lot and that there hasn’t been any more gull photos the thread is about any species of gulls and it’s been mainly me posting since its any type of gull species maybe there might be more people during Spring and Summer since that when people tend to go to beaches and things like that more often. gulls can be found pretty much anywhere but your almost guaranteed to find one at an estuary or a beach or a gull roost. Anyway I have another photo of a gull. im still curious why I don’t see herring gulls and black backed at the canal and other places apart from the canal but less than during Spring and Summer and black headed gulls during Autumn and wiinter at the canal but rarely during Spring and Summer but Hopefully I will find out eventually. Iv managed to get some photos of some gulls this morning