Starlings share your photos here

I thought Id do a thread on Starlings cause I love Starlings and I have resident Starlings that line up on the houses in front of the house out my window. and I don’t usually see much photos of Starlings here if anything and they can be very interesting and thought it was a cooll idea plus you can see them change the colour into Autumn and winter or summer and spring plummage throughout the year plus they are good mimics they might be noisy at times but can very interesting in lots of ways so thought I’d do a thread on them. If anyone else would like to share there’s aswell you can.

  • cooll video of the Starlings. It reminded me of when they land in the garden there so fast and apear to plummet from the sky as if falling from a height. except they don’t fall onto the ground and get hurt they land at the last minute and look for worms. when 2 flocks visit so i tend to joke and say it’s raining. Or rather it’s raining Starlings. Usually it’s one flock then anothet flock arives as the Starlings that previously landed and looked for worms take off.

    Most of the time the flocks apear to wait for the other to leave but very occasionally they will visit at the same time but either way weather they take turns or not it still looks like it’s raining.  usually they dive down from the sky all at once in the garden in Spring and summer where I am.

    In this case there perched on the tree just before they do something. there not plummeting from the sky but they did something I found interesting before I saw them all flew around as flock today. Its almost like there takeing turns on the tree and I found it quiet entertaining

  • That’s a very good photo of the Starling in the grass you can see the speckles on the feathers and everything

  • It rained for a few hours. Then the Sun came out but it rained at the same time so it produced a rainbow and like the other times the birds suddenly come out and so fly past the rainbow or perch under it or fly around with it in the background there. The Starlings usually turn up when a rainbow apears after it’s been stormy or raining 

  • After the rain and wind storm and the rainbow disappeared. This was quiet funny cause the Starlings perch on here sometimes and the Magpie was useing it 

    What was that? Thought I saw something 

    As soon as more of them tryed to land the Magpie got restless and they all tryed to land on it at once but they couldn’t all fit in there with the Magpie too. So one of them ended up with its legs out to land but changed direction and was all over the place the Magpie walked up to them and didn’t know what to do then they all flew off 

    Tail up and- Starlings. 

  • You know it’s quiet funny when bigger birds perch with the Starlings cause normaly you would think the bigger birds would scare them off but actually they can be quiet brave. When it comes to the Woodpigeon when there on a chimney or satelite dish or aerial they will seemingly try to annoy the pigeon. And the Woodpigeon does find them quiet annoying sometimes if he try’s to chase them off they confuse him cause there isn’t only one and there on the right and left and abouve and don’t know where to look or they take off and make the pigeon think there gone then turn up out of nowhere in less than 5 minutes and pester him even more.  and for that reason rather than chase them off or try to peck them he simply try’s to ignore them jumping around everywhere doing funny antics and makeing a lot of noise in which if he does ignore them the Starlings will walk up to him stare at him and then take off and fly low over his head in a arch pattern and then pester  it until it flys off.  At Other times they just tolerate each other however in this case it’s a Magpie  when the cheaky Met cheaky the Magpie won.

  • The Starlings have just lined up across the roof and there was about 16 some were on the roof then some on the areal and some on the other areal
  • Thats out the front but then I saw some out the back on another areal too And there was about 9
  • Well the 16 has now been joined by lots and lots more Starlings. I counted all the Starlings on the house roof and there is 38 then the starlings split up and took off a group first the ones on the right then the ones on the left and are whooshing around doing a full circle around the area.