Edge Common, Rudge Hill

Holly Blue

Rosebay Willowherb 

I thought this was a Blue flower but it was a Butterfly that looked just like the

shape of  a flower. I actually approached it thinking it was a flower only to find 

It was something even better. One of the Blues they get here.

 this one was abit easyer to approach 

than  the Orange tip Butterfly. The orange tip didn’t settle for long and my shadow 

Changed and was in the worst place not to be detected later on. so I don’t have the orange tip but at least I got 


Its Possibly a Small Heath



  • A nice selection of photos Zo, particularly the holly blue butterflies, and it looked a good time out.

  • Thanks. I was haveing trouble adding photos and sending them yesterday afternoon. I was at it for an hour on both devices. I gave it a break then tryed again later and was at it for 2 hours and it still wouldn’t send the post Then at 4 it let me send them. I didn’t know if it will send them or not so I didn’t do any writing At first but once it sent I finished it off. After that I took a break since I was at it for a long time. Im going  to do a second part since I have more photos .

     I saw lots of differant types of butterflys Butterfly at Edge. There was 2 small ones I havnt seen before but I didn’t manage to get a photo cause it was much worse at settleing than the other other Butterflys that didn’t settle for long. It was as bad if not worse than the orange tip.  It was very friendly and wasn’t  afraid of fluttering around me though and I could of sworn it might of landed on me if I stayed still any longer

  • I can’t believe that the butterfly was a flower. From my distance which wasn’t far away but I was still abit far from it. I was just walking along hopeing to find some Rare or uncommon Wildlife or some I havnt seen before and there’s lots of differant types of Wildflowers so I was looking for any Wildlife so was also looking for Wildflowers but then I saw a blue flower that stuck out from the rest I approached it and I took a picture of it then I saw it’s head and face and it turned out to be a blue Butterfly.

    Its good the wild flower didn’t notice me until I took a picture 

  • Zo Clark said:

    I can’t believe that the butterfly was a flower. From my distance which wasn’t far away but I was still abit far from it. I was just walking along hopeing to find some Rare or uncommon Wildlife or some I havnt seen before and there’s lots of differant types of Wildflowers so I was looking for any Wildlife so was also looking for Wildflowers but then I saw a blue flower that stuck out from the rest I approached it and I took a picture of it then I saw it’s head and face and it turned out to be a blue Butterfly.

    Its good the wild flower didn’t notice me until I took a picture 

    It is very easy to do with many species, not just butterflies, and moths even more so. That art of camouflage.

  • Yes I know iv mistakened moths for a few things it can make you jump sometimes sometimes it doesn’t make you jump but just surprised you but either way when you do it can be quiet funny. Leaves when I went to the beach in Severn Beach I saw a small shiny jewl and when I picked it up it was a beetle. Theres was 2 stuck Together so they were mateing aswell. One day there was a Caterpillar that was so well camouflaged against a leaf I almost touched the leaf but luckily I noticed it before I touched the leaf. Its good I noticed  it was a Caterpillar  cause otherwise it would  of been itchy  One thing I hadn’t mistakened before though until Edge was a butterfly for a flower.