what lens?

I need a new camera but unsure what I need in the way of lens. There are so many and I get quite confused. I take mainly pictures of birds, wildlife and scenery but mostly birds. Also what camera should I be looking for. Haven't got loads to spend.

Birds Rule

  • Hello Craig B and aiki, Thank you for your thoughts on this matter, Second-hand yes a good way to go but its not for me, but never say never. What i know about photography you could put it on the back of a postage stamp and still have room for the lords prayer. Just shows that i had not thought it through.

    I have been told by another person that the quality of the shots that you have taken suffers when you transfer them to your PC, What do you think?.

    I would also like to ask about printers for the photos that you take, with the inks etc i have a feeling that this could well be quite expensive.

    All the best, Tipton.

  • Hi tipton,

    When it comes to digital photography I have never heard of quality loss when transferring photographs to my PC. If there is some loss in the process it is very very small and unnoticable.

    The great thing about digital is that you can store the pictures on your PC, burn them onto a CD and print them.

    A decent printer will set you back about 70 quid (Epson Stylus or Picturmate printers are good for printing photos) and the ink will surprisingly last a good while for printing standard size Photographs.

    Heres a list of decent photo printers


    Another even cheaper option is to use a Photograph printing machine in a shop (depending on how many pictures) say 30 shots will cost around £3.00.

    Also you can upload your pictures to online services such as Photobox.co.uk who will print your photographs and then post them onto you within 1-3 days.

     Here is a photograph I took with my Nikon D40x (entry level) DSLR using the standard 18-55mm zoom lens and the built in flash (that pops up on the camera), click on the picture to get a higher resolution:

    I used the camera's manual settings but on most DSLR's now there are presets for macro, landscape, potrait etc.

    Hope this helps



    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - Albert Einstein

  • Hello Criag B,

    Thank you for the reply, it does appear to be a lot cheaper than what i thought it would be. Your photo is superb, thats the sort of image i would have liked to recreate at distance. Think i will sit tight for now and see how the land lies in the future. Once again thank you for your time.

    All the best, Tipton.