Is it a bird? Is it a fox? Whatever it is, it’s super, man.

Unknown.m4aMy partner and I (as well as our indoor cat!!) have been fascinated by this call which has been in our neighbourhood near Pollok Country Park near-ish Haggs Road/Drumbreck Road side for the past few evenings//week and would appreciate any help identifying it if possible.

it hasn’t occurred each and every evening, but has more often than not from 10pm onwards. One evening I woke around 3am and could hear it clearly for a while then as well. We can’t decide if it is a bird (partner convinced some type of owl) or perhaps a fox or family/skulk of foxes calling and responding.

Tonight hasn’t been the clearest (one evening it sounded as thought it was in our small back garden, which has a tall evergreen tree, before travelling down side of house and away; unsure if on foot or in flight) but I did step out onto the street to take an audio recording. It’s not the greatest quality, and has periods of silence, but the call can be heard more the once through most notably at around the 45-65 second mark. I swear some evenings it has sounded more bird like or has hooted/called for a longer/more prolong stretch before pausing, but I’m certain this is the sound. My partner and I have yet to be in the same room when hearing it at the same time, but are both fairly certain this recording captures the call we have both been hearing separately.

I would greatly appreciate any insight or guesses as to what this could be. This evening it sounded as though it was coming from behind the houses across the road as I stepped out onto the street at the back of our house to record on my phone. While recording, it sounded as if it was coming closer & further away or as thought it was two separate animals perhaps calling back and forth a short distance. While stood on the street, I also saw a fox attempt to come out of one of the patio drives across the road - which are quite exposes/not fenced off - before spotting me and doubling back. Foxes are fairly common around our surrounded streets, and the houses across the side of our house have back gardens which back on to a steep slope with a small ‘forest’ or embankment of unkempt trees. These trees then have a dual carriageway separating them from Pollok Country Park, which would be ideal habitat for any number of possible culprits!!

We have yet to see anything specific it could be - bird or mammal - beyond the fox.

Many thanks for any possibly suggestions or answers to this mystery!!