Nest Boxes and Cats

Hope this is ok to post here as not exactly feeding related but I'm so desperate for advice. We moved into a new build home in a new development last year. I've done my best to try to support the wildlife that's been displaced by the new houses but there is no mature plants/trees/habitat. Therefore I sited my nestbox on a fence post in my garden. 2 little bluetits have taken up residence there last few weeks and I'm hopeful that there might be chicks soon. I don't have a nest cam. Anyway the 3 local cats are all over this nest box, sitting under it, sitting on the fence beside it, hanging over the top of it trying to get their paw in the hole. The adult bluetits are doing a great job of avoiding them but if there are chicks coming I don't want them to fledge to what will likely be certain death! The cat deterrents I've looked at alll seem to be ground level so I don't think will deter cats at the top of a 6ft fence? And the different chemical deterrents I'm loathe to use in case it affects the birds? I've seen spikes etc on line but what if this injures the cats and I've got angry owners at my door! Obviously I need a better site but I can't move it now! Any advice from experienced nest boxers / cat battlers gratefully received!!!
  • Hi

    could you post a photo of the box and post - it might help



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  • Hi there I've updated the original post with a pic, thanks for any advice

  • Robbo thanks for your response, I think I have been a bit hasty putting it up and should have waited til the garden was a little more established. The photo probably makes things look worse than it is, the back fence backs onto a large steep hill which actually means there is a large long strip of wild ground with lots of wild flowers etc and a couple of trees and shrubs so that's why I sited the box there but I agree there is nothing very close to the box.  The photo makes it look like there is nothing but blank back gardens but it's not quite as bad as that. But yes now regretting it but just hoping for the best. Certainly there is a lot of activity around it and little blue tits going back and forward delivering caterpillars all day but I'm not feeling very optimistic for the long run.

  • Hi there, I've got the same issue in my front garden, I've tried everything and nothing has worked.  I have last week purchased a "Catfree" from for £24.99 and the cat hasn't been near since so I'm crossing my fingers before the chicks come that this has finally worked.  Definitely worth the pennies to save these birds from being harassed by cats.  I've just noticed though that yours can access from a fence post - maybe you could attach one to the fence next to the box, screw it to the fence perhaps?