Got the fright of my life when this alarm came through on my phone ! Didn't know my phone could be so loud!
Stay safe everyone , fingers crossed it passes without much damage
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Have weather warnings for wind & rain way down south too between tonight and Monday but only Yellow so far ... stay safe Linda
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Thanks Wendy, will be a long day in the house
We didn't get the alert in the north of scotland-only 60 mph winds! Take care down there, it sounds as if it will be horrendous.
Kind regards
Thanks Jenny, hope it misses Motherwell out
details from the met office.a few hours ago on video
This is storm Eowyn, as of 5:45am. A really tightly wound depression indicating packed isobars with lots of wind.
Last night was quite blowy, kept waking me up. All was relatively calm until about 1:00am. Still blowy now. Too dark to check for damage, whether fence panels are still up, etc. Should me more work for our neighbour, as he is a landscape gardener. Sunday's badger survey is likely to be cancelled - high wind and driving, heavy rain. Not much fun when you're walking across a bluff.
Keep safe, and adhere to advice from emergency services.
90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.
Linda257 said:Got the fright of my life when this alarm came through on my phone ! Didn't know my phone could be so loud!
Yip, that's the idea, to warn all of the imminent risk to life....
Fingers crossed all come through safely.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Thanks Mike, hope your safe and well
I've made an entry for the GBW this morning, numbers were down, unsurprisingly, poor wee souls are out there just now barely clinging to the planet! I watched some gulls earlier on as they passed by, loving the then strong wind but now, a Rook flew by, obviously struggling.
I out a food mix out on our kitchen patio earlier and there's a fine gaggle gathering on it; Siskin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Great Tit, I watched a wee female Chaffinch on the patio itself, being blown to and fro, it's got to be harder work for them in these winds, it's now pretty wild up here.
Hang on all