Birds of Prey....Your Pictures Wanted!

I thought I would start a new thread dedicated to our beautiful Birds of Prey and hope you will share all your fabulous pics of them aswell ......

Please feel free to add your pics

I will kick it off with one of my regulars...Jock the Sprawk

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Having followed all the trials & tribulations on X as they were unfolding it certainly showed just how different a season this was at Kingston ... have to say a heartfelt 'well done MC' as you dealt with all the tragedies and great that there were two healthy fledglings at the end of it all plus of course the amazing male & a new partner who we hope will be a successful pair next year ... such a stressful time for you, trust you are having a more peaceful time now! Star2Blush


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr