Stuck at home on a beautifully sunny day on Wednesday while our boiler was fixed we didn't think our luck would hold for another day, but Thursday was just as bright so we headed for the coast to Dunwich Heath. We hadn't seen Dartford Warblers this winter so a still and sunny day seemed like a good chance of putting that right.
First a walk along the beach, calm seas and lots of Cormorants way out to sea and a Seal but nothing very close. Up on the Heath the birds were very quite and virtually nothing showing.
Then up popped this Robin very close and happy to pose.
We sat on a bench in the middle of the heath for our lunch and after a while things started to happen, sadly at a distance but at least we were watching Dartford Warblers at last.
We've always been told that Dartfords like to hang out with Stonechats, and today was no exception.
You can't see me, right?
Oh you can.
Back under cover then.
The Stonechats were very happy in the open.
Then a very distant Dartford got it's eye in on a fly of some sort.
Got it!
More Stonechat/Dartford interaction.
Further along on the Heath some more Dartfords started showing in the open this time.
There's a famous pose that people like with Bearded Tits, lets try that.
This is more comfortable.
We saw at least 5, probably 6, different Dartford Warblers during our walk, a record for us I think.
You never know when you're going to have a good day, this one started full of optimism because of the beautiful weather, then pessimism because we weren't seeing much, then ended as you can see above.
Best Wishes,
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Regards, Hazel
Fabulous photos Trevor, and it seems the UK is being adorned with lots of sunshine, at long last and its good to see folk making the best of the sun while its here.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Lot to learn